“Why do you do it?” I get asked frequently by many… “How do you find inner motivation? How can you wake up and find time?”
For me, the answer is simple. Not ever going back to a place of discontentment.
Why should we settle? Why should we continue to let people, places and things carve out the person we are? Our circumstances may be crappy, or seem minute. Our pasts may seem daunting, unjust, or just average.
If you want to be a force of nature… then wake up and do the work. Let the lessons of life guide you. Take small steps to release your crap, and say yes to challenge and change.
You are responsible for you. The haters will hate, the naysayers will vomit venom, the critics will judge. Get in your tunnel and light it up… let the world see what can you can do.
You don’t have to be the best, or the fastest. You just have to be consistent. I promise you, someone is watching you. Teach them something worth learning🖤.

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at RunBeforeyouFly.com. I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!