As a natural born empath, I feel “all the things.” Your things… my things… this world’s things.
I wake up… I meditate… I run and sometimes the sh!&storm in my head still pounds on the door of fear and failure, ever so deceitfully trying to slide its way in unnoticed.
Today I invite you to sit where you are and travel to a home within yourself. Bring what hurts, bring your scars and the load that you carry.
Invite in all the raw, vulnerable, scary parts about yourself that you think define your self worth.
Let them stay as they need to. Let them stay until you can feel that the love you give, the health you fight for, and the purpose that drives you… is not wasted time, but an investment.
Get out of your own way today. Stop doubting yourself. Stop halting the battle of your bravery.
Stop not being okay with who you are. Tuck yourself in to a space of love and acceptance. And when you get there, fight like hell to stay.