C.S. Lewis says, “Courage, Dear Heart.”
As I reached for my mug today and read the word courage, I was quickly reminded of what this means to me.
Every moment in life is a chance to pin courage on ourselves.
We continue to be tested… and when you are, say no and tolerate nothing less than what brings you peace and happiness.
We continue to be sculpted… and when you are, let the clay take the form of nothing less than what brings you awareness and stability.
We continue to be confronted by all the people, places, and things that leech upon us to suck the life out of us… and when you are, tolerate nothing less than what offers you good character and integrity.
Life will always test us. When you are reminded of this, remember that you are not required to please, settle, tolerate, accept, nor deposit anything that does match your goals, wellness, priorities, dreams, and blueprint.
Take your courage… pin it, share it, send it, save it, be it, keep it… but never lose sight of how you got it.