Sometimes when I reflect back, I can’t believe how my journey has unfolded. This is not about what you weigh or what your size is.
I have learned that the representation of a number to our self worth is BS… and being connected and comfortable in our skin comes in beautiful forms of all shapes and sizes.
This is about treating yourself with kindness.
I spent half of my life nearly drinking myself sick. I allowed foods that were not serving me to rule my decisions, and give me a false sense of comfort. I lived in a rat race of comparisons, instead of allowing grace to move in for healing.
On occasion I still may wobble… life sometimes tries to sway me back to a place that I know will leave me empty and without joy.
Arm yourself with kindness. Focus on feeling your best, leading by example. Shut the toxic opinions of others out, and choose what is best for you.
Today the sun is shining. My head is clear. My body is fueled with nutrition that I can pronounce, my coffee is hot, and I’m grateful for another day.
Don’t overthink it. Don’t wish your life away. Don’t false-idol the people who you think have it all. Start simple… be kind to yourself… and be amazed where that takes you.
~ From the Diary of What Running and Life Have Taught Me

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