To reach the summit or peak of life is not just a one-time experience. We must give forth an effort daily. Climb, rest, repeat.
Distractions continually will try to disrupt our footing and move us to a place of unbalance both mentally and physically.
We gain resilience when we choose not to let the loose footing of our lives define us, halt us, or destroy us.
You will without a doubt hear negativity from someone today. You will be tempted, frustrated, and persuaded to get off the trail of your goals, good works, and beautiful visions.
Don’t be fooled… be wiser, be steadfast, and deliberate in your awareness of where you are headed.
Whether we are running, walking, hiking, working, or at home… let us meet this dawn with a joy-filled spirit. Let us release all the toxic moisture of those people, places, and things that try so hard to overtake our spirit.
Inspire someone today to welcome themselves home… to not give up on their quest to be better… to live better.
May we all find the summit of this day.
Don’t give up today, the view from the top is worth it.
#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #thedailysummit
Thank you for the inspiration 👏 Its what I needed to hear today to be on track❤️🙏💪
Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement ❤️.
Thank you for giving my the inspiration that I need.
You are welcome ❤️.