Today I want to share a simple thought of transformation. Often times we transform our bodies, which is hands-down important. However, I sometimes forget how crucial it is to continue to transform my mind.
I spent time today reflecting on how much our world has changed, how much I have changed.
I pondered what I will no longer continue to tolerate, what I will continue to let go of, and what I will continue to welcome in.
Disappointments arrive at our door daily. Goals we set seem just an inch’s length away… until the next roadblock occurs.
If we let these things dictate our progress and determine our happiness…we are already set up for failure.
I didn’t get sober by accident. I worked for it. I didn’t lose weight by accident… I fought every damn day of my life for it.
l didn’t wish for my beliefs… morals… and values to improve. I chose it, I suffered for it, I learned from it.
I stumble every day over something. I question it… I swear about it… I dislike it.
But I know when the day ends and the night falls… the transformation continues.
My path is lit with hope, faith, dreams, and goals as wide as my paper will allow me to write them. No one person, place or thing is going to force me to see it differently.
Stay your course… and know it’s your journey… it’s your pen… and you have something very valuable to teach others.
May your transformation be ever so sweet.
#strongaf #sayyes #sayyoucan