What are you carrying around with you today? My journey has taught me that the load I was carrying was far too heavy.
The things I packed in my heart and my bag of life weighed me down, made me lose my footing, and were starving me of vital peace and happiness.
“Running saved my life” is a very true statement. But so did learning to unpack my bag, look at its contents and steadily decide what I was keeping and what I was discarding.
We carry so much around that only hinders our progress and our purpose. We let toxic people infiltrate. We let naysayers impose an opinion we didn’t ask for, and we let societal nonsense halt the true path of what our creator intended for us.
Today, pack your bag with only the items that will aid you to rise. Leave room for only the things that bring joy and hope. The obstacles, the trials, the demons, the indecency of others, they no longer fit.
Leave space for love. Leave space for dreams, and lift your new packed bag of life with a smile and an all knowing that this bag is taking you places…

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