Sundays for me represent my meaning of life. The quiet of the morning, the first sip of coffee, the alone time on the couch to really sit and think.
We see people’s lives on social media and we scroll. We ask, “Why can’t we have what they have?” “Why is she lucky?” “Why is he so successful?”
The truth is no one is without injury or suffering. Everyone has their deepest hurts, regrets, and shortcomings buried deep in their own pillows and closets of life.
It’s easy to get down in this current world situation. Society is a mess… full of racism, bigotry, hate, rebellion, censorship, riots, unpatriotic behaviors and the list goes on… we must align our actions to be as good as our intentions.
Today, I get to flip blueberry pancakes in a little farmhouse that I love. I get to run on roads whose school bus drove my kids to school. I woke up on a lumpy mattress that I wouldn’t change for the world, and share my coffee with someone who is a steady hand of kindness and goodness.
I don’t have a yacht, I don’t have a big bank account, and I don’t care… because what I do have is worth more than any zero on a check.
My life is messy, my brain is a chaotic mess half the time, but I am happy… I don’t need more or better. I don’t need fake or unrealistic.
God gives me just what I need… Every. Single. Day. Reflect on what your blessings are today… that is all.
#sunday #blessings #smilemore
Stay in Touch with Suzanne

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!