The dandelion does not stop growing because some people think they’re pointless and bothersome.
Each day the world seems to become more lost in challenges, comparisons, corrupt practices, and societal stigmas. These leave us feeling broken… defeated… empty and lost.
Goals are wonderful. Hard work and perseverance, necessary… but so is keeping the simple magic and wonder of life alive.
We set ourselves up to fail. We listen to people who are not even qualified to dictate or implant an idea of what we must accomplish for mental toughness, or weight loss, or self healing.
We then wonder why if we missed a workout, took a bite of cake, or did not see results overnight, these things made us feel even worse. Right?
Your blueprint is unique. Your dreams…your wants… your desires are meant for you.
Routines are good, but so is spontaneity. Good habits are fantastic, but so is balance.
Stop the pre-recorded message in your head that says you messed up today so your efforts are meaningless.
Peace, joy, comfort, happiness, contentment, steadfast acceptance of yourself comes from your Creator and your willingness to believe in better days and better outcomes… otherwise known as Hope.
You may see a weed… I see a wish. Make one.
~ from the diary of what running and life have taught me ~

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