As a child, I was carefree, with a zest for life. I didn’t know about responsibility then, or have worry. I didn’t understand the concept of adulthood, paying bills, raising children. I didn’t know about the harshness of cruel people, who the taxman or bill collector was, or that I would soon walk the road to darkness.
In my early to late adulthood, I was taught the hard lessons of love, the fear of crippling anxiety, the sadness of the battle with the bottle, the raw truth of feeling less than.
I felt the defeat of being overweight, the sadness of lack of joy, and had an overwhelming dreaded falseness that I could not become who that little girl on the left dreamed of.
In my midlife, I found the love of running… and today I inhale gratitude with each breath.
I welcome joy, I preach hope. I tell the booze to shut up and lay down. I make my choices. I decide who stays and who goes, and I will choose peace over bullshit every time.
Faith leads the way. Hope lights the path, and perseverance steps you there.
Take a step… take a breath… and find your way to your metamorphosis 🖤.
#hopedealer #IAintDoneYet
Stay in Touch with Suzanne

Thank you for supporting my writing and running endeavors at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!