Very recently I have received a lot of private messages. People want to know: how do I train? What is my diet? And where the heck do I get the drive to want to help so many people?
Although the physical grit is an absolute must, as is nutrition… training my mind is the MOST important thing I do. When our head is not in the game, the rest fall like dominos.
Do I stumble? Yes. Do I get off track? Yes. Am I a quitter? Hell no! Journaling is a huge part of my running success. It’s part of who I am.
Today Imma keep it real and share with you a letter I wrote to myself this morning as I’m putting it in the mental instead of physical work.
Dear Suzanne…
Today I release everything and everybody that no longer serves your quest for peace and health. I am sorry for the way I often treat you, and the way I let others treat you. I am so sorry that I allowed you to tolerate selfish people whose intentions were clearly not the best for you.
Today I promise to do my best to no longer look at you in the mirror and see flaws, or think you are overweight or imperfect, or not pretty enough, or not good enough.
Today I will love you for who you are: a loving wife, a kick-ass mom, a loyal friend, and one hell of an athlete.
Today WE need to do better at feeding your body and soul with what it needs… THE GOOD STUFF. By that I mean with love and plants, fruits, more veggies, and with good people with good vibes… who have only the BEST intentions for you.
Today I will try better to release you from the dizzying merry go round of societal crap. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, Suzanne… today you just need to re-up your contract with yourself. Today I reclaim it!!
Your BEST Self

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