
To achieve greatness we must take every sour thing that has tried to dim our light and revolt.

We must take every lie we were taught to believe and turn it into truth.

We must relentlessly and repetitively find our purpose and make it known why we were destined to be granted a spin on this earth.

Being overweight is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Being angry, defeated, and without joy is hard.

Staying sober can be hard, staying motivated is hard. Discipline is hard. The choice is ours… we choose our hard.

Effort counts… consistency counts… our will counts. Wake up and cut the anvils. Be your own mayday and let’s show this world… that we are not just talkers … 

We are World Changers.

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.

Superhero (It’s Not About the Scale.)

It’s Transformation Tuesday!

There is a limit to the amount of misery and crap we will put up with. There is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand in your mind, in your heart space, and in your spirit.

This is not just about weight. I don’t believe in scales.

It’s not about what you weigh. Some of the most beautiful people I know are different sizes, shapes, body structures… and they exemplify who and what true heroes are, and that kindness in this world still exists.

This is about freedom from your addictions, from your toxic relationships, from society telling you one way is better than the next.

I was addicted to food, to whisky, to anything that numbed away reality. I lost hope, I swam in fear… until I took charge. I wanted full transformation.

You don’t need to be a certain size to be worthy. You don’t need to model yourself after anyone other than who your own beautiful soul is. You do need to live with choices you make, good and bad.

I wanted better. I wanted to finally trust that I was woven and spun… purposefully here, to do my job.

My job is to tell you: whatever you think you can’t overcome? You can.

Whomever is telling you that you’re not made for your dreams and aspirations… is dead wrong.

And lastly: you were made to shine. Get a match and let’s go 🔥💥☄️

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Crossing the Threshold.

At today’s dawn I am awakened with the usual background noise of my head. That old voice starts placing doubt, emanating false scenarios, doing its best to convince me that my symphony of renewal and joy is not possible.

To acknowledge and cross a new threshold is always a challenge. The beauty of our being insists on taking its time. Nothing is rushed, and change only arrives when we abruptly shut the door to our pain, our limitations, and old patterns of behavior.

Receive your threshold as an invitation that whatever comes to you today in great amounts or minimal affirmations is meant to be yours.

Life always remains faithful to us even when grace is invisible. Hope is silent, and glory seems miles away.

Go out and do good today, meet your threshold, and may you feel that you have a great belonging.

Doing Great

“Sorry, can’t today… I’m off doing great.”‼️

-Suzanne Swanson

We all need this reminder. What challenge do you face today? Life has its cunning way of prompting us to believe that we are not capable of living better, overcoming obstacles, and experiencing greater things.

The truth is: we are not just our personal stories. We are not just our failures and successes. We are not just our addictions and shortcomings. We are not just our PTSDs and our depressions. We are not just our wisdoms nor our lack of knowledge.

We are fighting a battle every day called life. We combat the ways of words and actions of people, ideas, and daily unfairness. We work tirelessly to build our stability, challenge our weaknesses, and strive to be better.

Arm yourself today with good thoughts. Know you are unbelievably loved, and despite the toxic crap that can rain down on you…

“You are doing great.”

Say it until you feel it, believe it, and see it.

Spread hope like a virus, and know you are not a “just”… you are more!

Reflections on Forty-Six.

And so today the first day of another trip around the sun begins. Forty-seven years does not seem possible nor fathomable… yet here it is, staring back at me with deep reflections.

Forty-six has been a year of immense change in a continued inward journey, leaps of faith, heartbreak, and lessons learned.

Forty-six has encapsulated feelings of uncertainty, nevertheless allowing me to see the distinctions of people, life idiosyncrasies, and how I will continue to lead my life more clearly than ever.

I have learned that this world is unbelievably broken… full of political disaster, inhumane behaviors, endless tragedy, but even still remains incredibly beautiful.

I have personally watched a pandemic change the fate of medicine before my very eyes. I have witnessed lonely people scared to death, hardened people become softer, and have questioned and teetered on a tightrope of my own beliefs.

Forty-six gave the courage to start something new, go out of my comfort zone, only to teach me that where I was in the first place is where I belong… and getting back there was both an admission of failure and growth.

Forty-six has taught me courage. Some people will continue to hurt you without validated answers of why, and that boundaries are absolutely acceptable and necessary.

It taught me that the deliberate actions of others speak volumes about their character not mine, and that my job is to continue to pray and forgive their brokenness. That forgiveness does not mean tolerance, and that strength is always born with spoken truths.

Forty-six gave me another year with an amazing family that, although not perfect, is woven with love, strength, and of an unspoken knowingness of unity no matter what.

Forty-six has granted me the opportunity to meet some very special people… each with their own story that I now am privileged to be a small part of.

Forty-six is gone and has taken many parts of me with it. Although many tears have been shed… joy has been re-born. My appreciation and gratefulness for life is greater than my sorrow, and whatever my fate is… I’ll meet it with contentedness.

Forty-six will not be just another number but a celebration of what’s to come. My sneakers, my paved roads, my dream of running the Boston Marathon, my writing, my immense passion to inspire others, and spread hope will remain at the forefront of my being.

May 47 give me a soft place to rest, persist in leading me to my life’s work and purpose, and continue to offer me daily grace.

To be continued💛💛💛

Autumn of Reproach.

Fall is a season of reproach for me. I tuck away the things summer has taught me. I welcome the rustling leaves, the vibrant colors, and dare to dream all that is meant for me in this season.

When Autumn awakes… so does my heart. I allow the sun to take a step back… but my inner strength and yearning to take a step forward. I think of all the gifts that I am given daily. I am thankful in a season of accomplishment, and yet seek excitement for the next place my journey will land me.

I am learning that everything happens in God’s time, that I was woven and spun for his greatest good, and that experiences both awful and wonderful have helped to shape and mold me into the best version of myself that I can be.

Never doubt your internal longing to be greater, continue to question things that are bullshit, and do not settle for anything other than what gives you peace.

Let today be the start of your unveiling. The best is yet to come.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Show Your Face to the Morning.

Some of us today will wake up with a sense of uncertainty.

We will walk down the hall with the same inner conflict we have every day since we can remember.

Some of us will wake up today hungover, ashamed and with a deep disgust within ourselves that we yet again let substance win over our truest longing for sobriety.

Some of us will wake up hiding the cookie package, crumpling the chip bag, hearing the screams of defeat echo that “you’ll always be fat and unhealthy.”

One of us will have woken up after standing up to a bully, deciding that today they will no longer have power over you.

One of us will have prayed for the first time ever… hoping for just one miracle teetering on the brink of a rock bottom.

One of us will wake up and draw the curtains open for the first time in a decade… unsure if the anxiety will let them outside for even just a minute.

One of us will need a friend today. One of us will have a huge victory, and of us will no doubt have a setback.

Whomever you are, wherever you are… draw the shades, let the light in, let the bad shit out. Own it, claim it, trust it, and move through it.

Rise on up… show your face to the morning.

Show up uninvited to all the places within you trying to hold you back. Today matters, and so do you 🌻.

Inner Badass

There is a neverending journey to my soul. Each section of my path teaches me something valuable to my foster my continued growth and repair.

Here’s what my journey has spoken so softly yet loud as a bell this past week… listen and your spirit will guide you ~

Seeking rest and solidity is a must for me. I struggle with this…. but to rest in His word… in my truths, and in my beliefs, isn’t just for show… it’s my life support.

Release any and all toxic bullshit from your life. This includes people, places, and things. People will try and attach all their baggage onto you. Cut the cord and seek out only those who amplify your well-being.

Never ever underestimate the power of your inner badass. Stop worrying about tomorrow and unwrap your hidden gifts. Share them.

Be kind, be good and ever so light… but be not fooled. Do not be fragile or persuaded… be strong and clothed in his strength. 💙

Seek your power today… Amen.

Join our safe sharing space!

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.


The climb in any journey is filled with uneven pavement, unexplored trails and pathways, and unexplained moments of both sorrow and joy.

I can’t stay stuck or complacent. I must wake each day hungry for change, thirsty to arrive at the doormat of peace, and eager to be a leader not a follower.

Seek to move mountains. Train to fulfill your greatest potential.

Do not settle for anything less than what brings you victory.

The summit of life reveals beauty and satisfaction… but it’s the climb that tells our tale of both resilience and determination. 🖤

Running, and My Why for Doing It.

The essence of who I am begins with my why. Why do I fight so hard to try and change lives? Why do I fight so hard to stay committed to my health and wellness?

The Run to Change Lives family has been a warm and friendly place to share all our journeys, our sorrows, and our victories. It has been pivotal in me sharing my story, and offering hope to all those who are lost.

People ask me all the time, “WHY DO YOU RUN?”

I run when life is suffocating me, and the open pavement provides strength and air to breathe.

I run to pray for all of those who reach out to me for guidance… for those who feel as if their life has nothing left to offer.

I run in times of confusion, when I’m stuck and torn between the strings of my heart verses the soundness of my brain.

I run to dream. I hear the Boston Marathon crowd in my head.

I envision the spectators, I can feel the course, and close my eyes and feel the victory of this accomplishment.

I run to see God’s beauty and all the things that daily I take for granted.

I run to hear nature, and for a moment in time… just simply be in awe of how our earth spins, and that I get to be a part of it.