Be the Change

đź’™BE THE CHANGEđź’™… This morning as I was lacing up to head out and enjoy the gift God has afforded me… I thought about something very important: the power of our words.

I can’t post names for obvious reasons of confidentiality… but I want to share this…

To the woman who sent me a private message yesterday, admitting for the first time that alcohol is overtaking her…. don’t give up. I have stood where you stand…. there is hope 💙.

To the person who private messaged me yesterday feeling the lack of self-worth and confidence to stand up to her own enemies… I have stood where you stand… there is hope. 💙

To the brave soul that messaged me yesterday who stepped on the scale for the first time in a year, feeling depressed, defeated, but with a new sense of purpose she hadn’t felt in a while… I have stood where you stand… there is hope.đź’™

To the man who has recently shared some of his life with me, the pain of not wanting to live, the deep hurts of overthinking, and wanting to numb himself from this world… thank you for revealing a part of you with me… and yes, there is hope đź’™.

Our words our powerful. Kindness is free, and lending a helping hand can change the world… literally… one person at a time.

I don’t have all the answers. I struggle, I sit with heavy things, too.

I fear, I pray, I contemplate, I hope, I trust, I love. You want to see a better world? Then stop complaining and let’s “Be the change.”đź’™

This run is for the wonderful people who have touched my heart… you know who you are.

Now let’s get it!

Running on Hope.

Know what’s better than running on hope?


Hope begins…

Hope opens…

Hope befriends…

Hope lives….

Hope heals…

Hope allows…


#YepISaidIt #hopedealer #myblueeyesaresmiling #mailboxtomailbox

Hope is Here.

I’m here to let you in on something that took me years of unraveling to learn…

Hope Is Here.

My headband today, “Hope is here,” has had significant meaning in every aspect of me changing my habits, my life disciplines, and my personal outcomes.

We are going to stumble… it’s okay.

We are going to lack grace somedays… it’s okay. We are going to feel defeated at times… it’s okay.

Because Hope lives in all of us. It lives in why you do the work you do. It lives in why we run. It lives in why we get excited about our personal victories.

It lives in you and in your neighbors. It is the only thing we desperately cling to in our lowest, most desolate moments.

My run this morning is dedicated to Hope. A Hope for you, and for me. A Hope for this nation, and this world.

Hope lives here… do not be discouraged, nor sad today.

Fill your cup alive with Hope. Watch how one simple word and concept can change the course of this day, can change the attitude of your mind, and can change the ways of your heart.

Find your way to some Hope today… and you’ll find your way home.

#findyourwayhome #runningmotivation #friday

Why Not Wednesday


Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you change your life?

Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you cut the excuses?

Why not wake up today and decide you are going put to rest doubt and fear?

Why not wake up today and forget the scale, forget the harsh screams of others and just be wonderfully you?

Why not wake up today and smile and wave at all them haters and naysayers?

Today is yours. The work is hard, and the road may be long, but the journey… every paved and unpaved mile, will teach you something valuable. Set out to find gratitude in each mile.

Have acceptance in each setback, and have hope for every victory yet to come. Someone is watching you. Show them kindness, teach them love, and let them in on your successes.

Bitterness need not apply. Now let’s go smash some pavement… after all, it is WEDNESDAY‼️ WHY NOT?

No More Devaluation

How easy is it to devalue ourselves? Sometimes I must remind myself just how good I am doing in this moment. It’s so easy to devalue even the smallest of accomplishments. Do you occasionally allow yourself to feel less than?

Have you let the people, places and things that lowered your frequency for joyful living to infiltrate through tiny cracks of self-doubt?

Ask yourself today… did you try your best? Are you making small consistent changes for the betterment of your mind and health?

Do I lose myself from time to time? Absolutely.

Do I know that despite my inner demons trying to divert me to a place of pain and uneasiness… my inner warrior will steady my hand and keep me on the road to peace, health and gratitude? You bet do!

Today, I showed up for me.

Love yourself when no one is watching. Love yourself when you think you can’t take anymore… love yourself when you’re laughing through wonderful moments or crying through the trials.

Show up for you… because we are all working to become a better version of ourselves.

The best is yet to come… for me and for you.

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

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Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

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Lost and Found.

So many of us stay on a path lit with false promise, poisonous venom, and a plan to keep us on a road to destroying what we were all born to have… peace and stillness.

I will continue to share my story and be a vessel carrying Hope. We do not have to stay stuck. We choose it.

We do not have to stay lost. We choose it.

We do not have to let toxic people, places or things dictate who we are… we allow them to.

Release the voices that are trying to crush your spirit. Let go of what whatever is telling you victory is not possible.

Be kind today. Be patient with yourself. Drink some water. Peer out into the unknown… and find your way home.

“I once was lost… but now I’m found.”

Get up and get after it today. Draw the shades back, let the light in… and let’s say yes to life today!!

#getupandmove #peaceofmind #welcomehome

We are World Changers.

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group with Suzanne Swanson is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.