Get Out There

Because some days we wake up… sip a little rocket fuel… put on our very best shark-loving outfit and go 🙌🏻💙.

Today is about gratitude . Thanking life, God and the universe for all the blessings it continually gives, allows, and surprises me with.

You can’t create magic moments by covering your eyes… get out there and see what you’ve been missing💙‼️


Celebrating the Open Road.

The open road…🖤

How blessed am I to take just a few short steps from my home to this open road?

My open road has been a solid foundation where I have retraced and rebuilt my life.

My open road has heard my cries for help, the confessions of my heart, and my pleas for a better version of myself.

My open road has taken me through trials, and upsets, through celebrations and victories.

Today I get to wake up and use my gift… the gift of my legs.

I get to run, sweat, breathe heavy, taste the salt on my cheeks, and just let the burdens of my heart be lifted away to my creator. I can be freed.

What’s your open road look like?

Today I challenge you to release one thing on that pavement that’s been holding you back. Leave it there… say goodbye to it… thank it… and then inhale with gratitude that your open road will know exactly what to do with it.

Running is a gift. Celebrate that open road today 🖤.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

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Sunrise Runs.

Simple sentiments and ruminations from some recent sunrise runs… ☀️

Today waits for no one. Yesterday is over, and tomorrow isn’t promised.

Do the things in the present that make you happy. 🖤

Here’s the non-complicated version:

Wake up… be a kind human… pound that pavement… repeat‼️

She don’t need fancy… she just needs asphalt.


Sunrise run… no bullshit… no people… no emails… no problem!

“She’s got eyes of the bluest skies…” a little 5 a.m. Guns ‘n Roses never hurts!

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

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Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

Receive daily inspiration via email when you sign up here.

No More Devaluation

How easy is it to devalue ourselves? Sometimes I must remind myself just how good I am doing in this moment. It’s so easy to devalue even the smallest of accomplishments. Do you occasionally allow yourself to feel less than?

Have you let the people, places and things that lowered your frequency for joyful living to infiltrate through tiny cracks of self-doubt?

Ask yourself today… did you try your best? Are you making small consistent changes for the betterment of your mind and health?

Do I lose myself from time to time? Absolutely.

Do I know that despite my inner demons trying to divert me to a place of pain and uneasiness… my inner warrior will steady my hand and keep me on the road to peace, health and gratitude? You bet do!

Today, I showed up for me.

Love yourself when no one is watching. Love yourself when you think you can’t take anymore… love yourself when you’re laughing through wonderful moments or crying through the trials.

Show up for you… because we are all working to become a better version of ourselves.

The best is yet to come… for me and for you.

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is sneaks2.jpg

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

Receive daily inspiration via email when you sign up here.

Be Your Own Mayday.

This morning I woke up to a crisp beautiful spring day. The sun is shining, I feel a cool breeze as I step outside.

This past week was one of the hardest I’ve endured in a long time. Adapting to the loss of my dog was so hard. I could feel myself slipping into a place I do not want to dare ever visit again.

With that as I laced my sneakers I thought about how life is ever changing… how life has been deeply kind to me… how lucky I am to feel so loved by so many.

I pondered how if we never take chances we simply cannot succeed, and that in order to keep growing I must allow myself to feel it all… and that it’s okay to be sad, that pain teaches us that while it’s horrid in the moment… even at its most powerful state it cannot rob us of better times ahead, nor take away the most precious memories.

Today is my first run in a week, as my feet slam this gravel… I think of how truly lucky I am for my resilience… for my legs… for the next journey set before me.

I don’t quit. I don’t roll over. I get up and I forge on… faith trumps fear. Hope surpasses despair… and the light always shines through the darkness.

How’s that for Mayday…



Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.