So you get up today and you say to yourself… ah S*#%, it’s just another Tuesday. You think about all the crap you did or didn’t do right yesterday. You punish yourself for the failed efforts of both personal and professional goals.
You let the television, the false promises of society, and the stigmas that have been branded into us for years take the lead role in your play of life.
I didn’t want to face reality. I didn’t want to stop guzzling whisky, I didn’t want to eat kale and superfoods. I wanted pity… I wanted comfort food, and I wanted to hide in my deep dark abyss of self loathing.
Get up… get dressed…. and get out of your own way. It’s not “just another Tuesday.”
Today can be the day of renewal, of starting over if you must, of making a list of crap you’re not tolerating and sticking to it.
Today is a day of uprooting all the nonsense, of reaching out for help, and finally putting you first.
Take special care today to forgive yourself. Know you are given grace each morning, and that small steps of determination will always win over large leaps of fear and uncertainty.
“Beautiful girl, you can do hard things.”
You’re damn right I can…#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY
#tuesdays #yesyouabsolutelycan
Journaling Course is Here!
Heads up for those interested in journaling for self-therapy, setting positive goals and welcoming an attitude of gratitude to ease stress and improve health overall.
We have a Peaceful Holiday Season journaling challenge all packed up and ready to deliver to you via email.
We’d love to have you on board for our illuminating writing discovery series.
Learn more about this journaling challenge and sign up for the course here.
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So inspiring! Thank you for your GREAT insight & motivation to help us stay on a healthy track this Tuesday! (&everyday:)👏