…she is free.
Rest days come in all forms. On the days I know my legs need a break, I take the time to truly focus on how my mind is doing.
Writing is my release. It cleanses me. It is here on a small space between two lines that I can share my personal reflections, say goodbye to the crap that believes it’s still in control, and draw in some perspective.
It is here where I can release all the thoughts that are crowding precious space for new ideas, gentle guidance, or joy to enter.
It is here where I can visualize on paper what I have accomplished with my sneakers, what I have set free from my heart… and sketch my nutritional game plan for the week.
The investigation into our whys becomes the base layer for change. Put ink on paper, feel the pen in your hand, and make a contract with yourself to live better.
Words are powerful, tough, and have tremendous meaning when you take the time to read them… simplify your life… prioritize what helps… and may the pen and paper be exactly the rest you need.
Keep an eye out for “Journal Your Way to a Peaceful Holiday Season.” A mini course Dina and I will be offering to my Run Before You Fly members! Details coming soon!
#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #withapeninherhandsheisfree
Journaling courses are here!

Interested in creative writing therapy as a way to heal from trauma or initiate self growth? Check out our latest emailed journaling course.
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