She awoke one day in her usual frame of mind. Her head pounded from booze the prior night. The processed crap she had eaten just before laying down did not comfort her as promised… only left her feeling more empty and digusted.
She slightly remembered her repeated promise to herself only hours before that someday things would be different.
Fear roared louder and louder, telling her she wasn’t strong enough to change. Fear invited itself in to set up camp in her mind, expecting to stay for the long haul without question or hesitation.
Courage had other plans, and waited ever so patiently to surface. Courage held her hand and led her inward.
“We’re going deep,” Courage whispered… “We may be gone a while. But when we come, back fear will no longer live here.”
“Are you sure I’m ready?” she mouthed.
Courage took a big inhale and said:
“We’ve waited our whole life for this moment. Onward, Love… the end. 🌸🌷🌿.
What fear is holding you back today? Inhale… exhale… onward.
#hopedealer #inhalecourageexhalefear #wegotthistogether

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