Mayday Monday….
As the holidays draw closer with each passing day, most of us continue life as normal. We trim our trees, wrap gifts, bake cookies, and celebrate the true meaning of the season…
But what about those who are struggling? I want to talk about this because so many of us at this very moment are in a space of mental entrapment.
One of us on this very day wakes… and struggles with not taking a drink. One of us has lost a loved one, a pet, or is mourning someone who is still alive.
One of us is facing a job loss. A father is struggling to feed his family. A veteran is struggling to tie their own shoes.
A woman is closet eating in shame, and another is carefully applying makeup to hide the bruises.
Somewhere a child is feeling the brutal effects of a bully. The narcissist continues to gaslight, and still the world turns without a missed beat.

Feeling or creating joy through chaos and trial is tough. It’s a daily challenge to not let these things define us emotionally or physically. But all is not a lost cause…
Wake up and pray for someone even if you don’t know them.
Go visit a veteran. Smile, listen to their truths and tie their shoes if they need it.
Take a walk with a friend, and listen. Don’t assume, don’t judge, don’t react… just be the ears they are desperately trying to find.
Donate to your local women’s shelter. If they are there… believe me when I say… it took courage beyond measure to get there.
Send a card of encouragement to a friend, and cut the ties of those people, places, and things whose only agenda is derailing yours…
The greatest gift you can give yourself this year is the gift of helping someone.
Not everyone faces the same lot in life. I don’t know the reasons why… but I do know this. Kindness goes a long way. Small things add up to big things, and the sum of it all = greater human decency.
Be someone’s Mayday today… even if it’s your own.
#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #remembertheseason #besomeonesmayday
Need More Peace? Try Our Mini Journaling Challenge.
Are you an empathic introvert trying to hold your own in a world of extroverts?
Give Your Stressed Self the Gift of Comfort and Joy this Christmas Season.
This emailed journaling course from Run Before You Fly will help you connect to simple, meaningful moments.
Six days to bring peace to your holiday season. Write your way to inner calm.
We are truly excited to begin offering writing challenges to you. This is just one of many ways we can support each other to live our best lives.
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Wishing you peace, comfort and joy this holiday season from Run Before You Fly.