Creating Joy Through the Chaos

Mayday Monday….

As the holidays draw closer with each passing day, most of us continue life as normal. We trim our trees, wrap gifts, bake cookies, and celebrate the true meaning of the season…

But what about those who are struggling? I want to talk about this because so many of us at this very moment are in a space of mental entrapment. 

One of us on this very day wakes… and struggles with not taking a drink. One of us has lost a loved one, a pet, or is mourning someone who is still alive. 

One of us is facing a job loss. A father is struggling to feed his family. A veteran is struggling to tie their own shoes. 

A woman is closet eating in shame, and another is carefully applying makeup to hide the bruises. 

Somewhere a child is feeling the brutal effects of a bully. The narcissist continues to gaslight, and still the world turns without a missed beat.

Feeling or creating joy through chaos and trial is tough. It’s a daily challenge to not let these things define us emotionally or physically. But all is not a lost cause…

Wake up and pray for someone even if you don’t know them. 

Go visit a veteran. Smile, listen to their truths and tie their shoes if they need it.

Take a walk with a friend, and listen. Don’t assume, don’t judge, don’t react… just be the ears they are desperately trying to find.

Donate to your local women’s shelter. If they are there… believe me when I say… it took courage beyond measure to get there.

Send a card of encouragement to a friend, and cut the ties of those people, places, and things whose only agenda is derailing yours…

The greatest gift you can give yourself this year is the gift of helping someone.

Not everyone faces the same lot in life. I don’t know the reasons why… but I do know this. Kindness goes a long way. Small things add up to big things, and the sum of it all = greater human decency. 

Be someone’s Mayday today… even if it’s your own.

#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #remembertheseason #besomeonesmayday

Need More Peace? Try Our Mini Journaling Challenge.


Are you an empathic introvert trying to hold your own in a world of extroverts?

Give Your Stressed Self the Gift of Comfort and Joy this Christmas Season.
This emailed journaling course from Run Before You Fly will help you connect to simple, meaningful moments.

Six days to bring peace to your holiday season. Write your way to inner calm. 

We are truly excited to begin offering writing challenges to you. This is just one of many ways we can support each other to live our best lives. 

Go here to learn more and order. We thank you in advance for supporting our creative endeavors. If you sign up, let us know how you like the course!


Wishing you peace, comfort and joy this holiday season from Run Before You Fly.

Steady as she Goes.

Something about the wind comforts me. Not too much wind, or too cold wind, but a gentle wind that takes me to a place of peace.

As I stepped outside today, the wind greeted me. There was a familiar yet unfamiliar smell that takes me back to a place of nostalgia. It reminded me that I’m alive to feel all the things… the good, the bad, the comfortable, the uncomfortable.

The wind allows me to sway, it moves me with force… yet it eases up just enough until I gain my footing again and can continue to move.

We will always loose our footing. We get unsteady, we swerve, we stumble across places that both unearth feelings of deep questioning, yet serve our souls to accept grace and become better people.

Move about, sway from time to time, force yourself into those places of pondering. Realize just how miraculous this life is. Accept what your challenges are, and be determined that no matter what… when we practice, smile, and persist… we will find our balance.

Steady as she goes. Amen.

Seasons of Change

The snow flurries hit my vest. My fingertips are frozen, the wind whips across the bare skin on the back of my neck. And just like that, I am running into another season of change.

It’s natural for us to want things to stay steady. We get complacent. We get comfy-cozy in our steady-paced, uninterrupted lives.

We don’t like change, we un-invite ideas of challenge, and we settle for what happens to us, within us, without really fighting for what makes us feel alive, and worthy.

When the cold snap of life hits, the precipitation flies, and adaptiveness sets in… remember a few things.

Seasons of change bring elements of transformation. Awaken to the new day not just with a tolerance to accept what it brings you… but with a silent preparedness that you are here to dream big, take charge, and live a peace-filled life.

Invite the season in. Sit down with it, let your goals be known. And when it tries to pull you back, or divert you to unrest… zip up your armor and remind it just who you are.

#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #seasonsofchange #wecandobetter

Journal Your Way to Insight, Happiness and Healing!

Journaling course is ready for you to explore!

Love to write? Ready to try journaling as form of self therapy? At Run Before You Fly, we’re inspired toward continued self betterment.

Join us for a group journaling adventure! We have an illuminating writing course for you to benefit from.

Journal solo. Share with trusted friends. Or, consult with Suzanne for a coaching session. It’s up to you.

Don’t miss discounted pricing on the new “Journal Your Way to a Peaceful Holiday Season.” This is a mini course that Suzanne and Dina are offering to our email list and Facebook group members!

We’ll have more courses coming in the new year. Sign up for our list to be notified of future writing workshop and course launches. 

-Suzanne and Dina

When it’s Hard to be Thankful.

So much of what of what I write about comes from the experiences, trials, and uneasy places I have visited within myself since I was a little girl.

We are constantly being told be grateful, be thankful, count your blessings etc.

But what if you feel that life makes it impossible to do so?

I can promise you that life will always bring trials and experiences of unfathomable circumstances. I know in my own self-discovery that many painful days where I begged for answers of clarity… have always ended with “Be still… have faith… and find a way to seek thankfulness… even still.”

Blessings come in all forms. And even in the times where we think they are not present… seek to find something exhibited in your day… guiding you to simplicity and contentment.

As we enter this Thanksgiving holiday, let us all remember that some of us will face challenges of unknown severity.

One of us will we be faced with difficult family dynamics. One of us will shake with anxiety of not picking up a drink.

One of us will feel alone, afraid or not worthy of receiving grace. One of us will have just awoke from years of self inflicted wounds. One of us will still feel the unbearable pain of the absence of a loved one who is gone.

Be kind to yourself, and allow for adjustments. Search for the thankfulness in simply showing up for yourself… with a willingness to try, and to want better.

Blue skies are a gift to be thankful for. A warm smile is a gift to be thankful for. A text saying “I’m here for you…” is a reason to be thankful.

Be thankful… even still.

#seekgratefulness #RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #evenstill

From the Ground Up.

Today is one of those days where life just feels right. Fall is in the air, the sounds of my feet stomping that pavement, along with rustling leaves, and the wind making its own music.

I thought about how lucky I have been. The friends who message me on the daily and cheer on my story of life.

I thought about how life has changed sadly and drastically with Covid and political strife. How this world and people are indifferent… yet each day we can still try to do better.

For all who made me smile and who made me cry… the lesson is in you.

For all who handed me a rope to grab and for those who cut it… the lesson is in you.

For all who continue to inspire me and for those who try to inflict toxicity… the lesson is in you.

For you see when she is built from the ground up, using only shattered remains of toughness, strength, courage, and resilience… nothing but absolutely nothing can stop her from sharing her dreams, gliding with integrity, and feeding this world some soul food.

Seek to conquer, seek to live wonderfully, and seek but nothing else that brings you home.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.


As we approach this season of Thanksgiving, I realize more and more just how much life has given me. Seeing my breath hit the cold air… feeling alive as my heart pumps fast, and my lungs burn… all the time knowing that not everyone gets to do this, and what a true gift it is to be able to be active, and well.

The human body is an amazing masterpiece. Our senses, taste, touch, our eyes to see all that is created wonderfully. We can use our senses for things recognizable, but it’s our hearts that make us the incredible humans we are.

Face all possibilities today with a relentless flow of love and happiness. The dark will always continue to try to conceal our truth within. But the heart know us, and is ever-attentive to allow tenderness and dismiss fear.

Run, work, play and do all things today with an appreciation for your heart. Respond to the call of life and may your presence shine brightly. A loving heart will always awaken the spirit of possibility… go forth and start living!

May all troubled hearts find hope, may the eyes of your heart open… and may today be the day Destiny draws you in.


Reflections on Forty-Six.

And so today the first day of another trip around the sun begins. Forty-seven years does not seem possible nor fathomable… yet here it is, staring back at me with deep reflections.

Forty-six has been a year of immense change in a continued inward journey, leaps of faith, heartbreak, and lessons learned.

Forty-six has encapsulated feelings of uncertainty, nevertheless allowing me to see the distinctions of people, life idiosyncrasies, and how I will continue to lead my life more clearly than ever.

I have learned that this world is unbelievably broken… full of political disaster, inhumane behaviors, endless tragedy, but even still remains incredibly beautiful.

I have personally watched a pandemic change the fate of medicine before my very eyes. I have witnessed lonely people scared to death, hardened people become softer, and have questioned and teetered on a tightrope of my own beliefs.

Forty-six gave the courage to start something new, go out of my comfort zone, only to teach me that where I was in the first place is where I belong… and getting back there was both an admission of failure and growth.

Forty-six has taught me courage. Some people will continue to hurt you without validated answers of why, and that boundaries are absolutely acceptable and necessary.

It taught me that the deliberate actions of others speak volumes about their character not mine, and that my job is to continue to pray and forgive their brokenness. That forgiveness does not mean tolerance, and that strength is always born with spoken truths.

Forty-six gave me another year with an amazing family that, although not perfect, is woven with love, strength, and of an unspoken knowingness of unity no matter what.

Forty-six has granted me the opportunity to meet some very special people… each with their own story that I now am privileged to be a small part of.

Forty-six is gone and has taken many parts of me with it. Although many tears have been shed… joy has been re-born. My appreciation and gratefulness for life is greater than my sorrow, and whatever my fate is… I’ll meet it with contentedness.

Forty-six will not be just another number but a celebration of what’s to come. My sneakers, my paved roads, my dream of running the Boston Marathon, my writing, my immense passion to inspire others, and spread hope will remain at the forefront of my being.

May 47 give me a soft place to rest, persist in leading me to my life’s work and purpose, and continue to offer me daily grace.

To be continued💛💛💛

Simple Gifts.

Seek the simplicity of life. Stop and admire God’s awestruck beauty. Give special thanks to all who have set roadblocks… and those who have lifted them.

Practice what you preach. Make your bed. Make peace with yourself. Tell toxic people they’re un-invited, and set the table of your life with only those who bring you hope, goodness, and insight.

It’s never too late to start over. You’re not a lost cause. You have a gift. Use it. Be still, be alert, and be ready. Life is waiting for you.

My road has taught me something so valuable. That I matter, my ways of being matter, and you matter. The view finder of this road this morning was a gift. Find yours… and know it was meant to teach you… period. The end.

#lookathisview #morningvibes #beastudentoflife

Autumn of Reproach.

Fall is a season of reproach for me. I tuck away the things summer has taught me. I welcome the rustling leaves, the vibrant colors, and dare to dream all that is meant for me in this season.

When Autumn awakes… so does my heart. I allow the sun to take a step back… but my inner strength and yearning to take a step forward. I think of all the gifts that I am given daily. I am thankful in a season of accomplishment, and yet seek excitement for the next place my journey will land me.

I am learning that everything happens in God’s time, that I was woven and spun for his greatest good, and that experiences both awful and wonderful have helped to shape and mold me into the best version of myself that I can be.

Never doubt your internal longing to be greater, continue to question things that are bullshit, and do not settle for anything other than what gives you peace.

Let today be the start of your unveiling. The best is yet to come.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Happy Place.

Once a year, the countdown on my calendar begins. I mark my beach vacation in a special color. I wait with anticipation to get to this place. A place of sweet summer smells, crashing waves, and miles of sand to toss my cares to.

The sea for me is cathartic. It amazes me. It’s gentle and sweet one minute, strong and powerful the next. It’s a place where I release all my worries. Reflect on where I have been, and pray for better days ahead.

This morning as I was running on the boardwalk, I watched the people. I see each of their faces. Some are young, some are battered, some are aged with wrinkles, some are sun-soaked, some smiling with excitement, some are deeply troubled with sadness.

I think about where they may have been in life, what their story is. Why has their journey led them to this place on this day?

I will be using this time to spend with my family, to stay off social media… as I do find that once in a while, I need to rest my mind from all of the world.

Disconnect back into myself, journal, work on my writing… and truly return to the days when being at the beach was a time worth waiting for.

Take time for yourself today. Hit the reset button, disconnect from everyone else’s crap, and focus on what is right in front of you.

Life is short… the beach is timeless, and a period of restructuring ourselves and quieting all outside noise is a must for continued spiritual growth.

Get up and get after life today. 💙. Amen.

#hopedealer #shuttingdownmymind

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.