Superhero (It’s Not About the Scale.)

It’s Transformation Tuesday!

There is a limit to the amount of misery and crap we will put up with. There is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand in your mind, in your heart space, and in your spirit.

This is not just about weight. I don’t believe in scales.

It’s not about what you weigh. Some of the most beautiful people I know are different sizes, shapes, body structures… and they exemplify who and what true heroes are, and that kindness in this world still exists.

This is about freedom from your addictions, from your toxic relationships, from society telling you one way is better than the next.

I was addicted to food, to whisky, to anything that numbed away reality. I lost hope, I swam in fear… until I took charge. I wanted full transformation.

You don’t need to be a certain size to be worthy. You don’t need to model yourself after anyone other than who your own beautiful soul is. You do need to live with choices you make, good and bad.

I wanted better. I wanted to finally trust that I was woven and spun… purposefully here, to do my job.

My job is to tell you: whatever you think you can’t overcome? You can.

Whomever is telling you that you’re not made for your dreams and aspirations… is dead wrong.

And lastly: you were made to shine. Get a match and let’s go 🔥💥☄️

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

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Hope is Here.

I’m here to let you in on something that took me years of unraveling to learn…

Hope Is Here.

My headband today, “Hope is here,” has had significant meaning in every aspect of me changing my habits, my life disciplines, and my personal outcomes.

We are going to stumble… it’s okay.

We are going to lack grace somedays… it’s okay. We are going to feel defeated at times… it’s okay.

Because Hope lives in all of us. It lives in why you do the work you do. It lives in why we run. It lives in why we get excited about our personal victories.

It lives in you and in your neighbors. It is the only thing we desperately cling to in our lowest, most desolate moments.

My run this morning is dedicated to Hope. A Hope for you, and for me. A Hope for this nation, and this world.

Hope lives here… do not be discouraged, nor sad today.

Fill your cup alive with Hope. Watch how one simple word and concept can change the course of this day, can change the attitude of your mind, and can change the ways of your heart.

Find your way to some Hope today… and you’ll find your way home.

#findyourwayhome #runningmotivation #friday

Good Intentions.

Today’s run is brought to you by Get Up Off Your Ass and Just Be Happy 💙.

I asked myself this morning, is my road paved with good intentions?

We can wake up and take the crowded, miserable, exhausting road of toxic complainers… or we can wake up and take the road less traveled.

Let’s not overthink it today. Wake up, fill your cup up with joy (or a little espresso 🤣) and get out there and create the life you deserve.

People will laugh, mock, and roadblock in any way they can. Stigmas and society will try to fill you with false thoughts, images, and negativity that is senseless and unprovable.

Pave your road with good intentions today. Seal it with gratefulness, and teach the people who pass you today a little thing about joy.

Be happy on purpose 💙. Be helpful when asked…

Be patient when life is hard… and Be You.

Time to work…

Get Out There

Because some days we wake up… sip a little rocket fuel… put on our very best shark-loving outfit and go 🙌🏻💙.

Today is about gratitude . Thanking life, God and the universe for all the blessings it continually gives, allows, and surprises me with.

You can’t create magic moments by covering your eyes… get out there and see what you’ve been missing💙‼️


Sunrise Runs.

Simple sentiments and ruminations from some recent sunrise runs… ☀️

Today waits for no one. Yesterday is over, and tomorrow isn’t promised.

Do the things in the present that make you happy. 🖤

Here’s the non-complicated version:

Wake up… be a kind human… pound that pavement… repeat‼️

She don’t need fancy… she just needs asphalt.


Sunrise run… no bullshit… no people… no emails… no problem!

“She’s got eyes of the bluest skies…” a little 5 a.m. Guns ‘n Roses never hurts!

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is sneaks2.jpg

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

Receive daily inspiration via email when you sign up here.

Today is the Day.

Today is the day everything changes…‼️

“Like a small boat

On the ocean…

Sending big waves…

Into motion…

Like how a single word…

Can make a heart open…

I may only have one match…


And I don’t really care if nobody else believes…

’cause I still got a lot of FIGHT left in me.” 🖤

Join our safe space where we will share, inspire, love, and grow!

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.

Always Buy the Sneakers.

Look what just came home to Mama 🤣🤣!

In my defense… it’s been 12 days, 6 hours and 15 seconds since I bought my last pair😂😂!

Always wear a smile, always hold the door for someone, and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS buy the sneakers 💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛.


Stay in Touch with Suzanne

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is sneaks2.jpg

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

Don’t Touch My Laces.

Today is simple. Wake up and do your best. We all need support, we all need encouragement. We need laughter, and appreciation for others. We need help from time to time, we need acceptance and humbleness to be teachable and to grow.

We need a few good friends, we need more sincerity and a lot less posed fakeness.

I have crawled from the depths of hell out of my alcohol addiction. I have lost 90 pounds not by sheer luck but by discipline, and hard days, mixed with both tears of deflated failure and of joy.

I have learned how to negotiate running as my beautiful outlet for this batshit crazy world I live in, for the toxic people and negative people I must deal with, and for the continued benefits of my health and well being.

Don’t let anyone tell you how to tie your laces. Only you know where you’ve been… where you are… and where you are heading. As for me… today I slip on my headband… sip the rocket fuel… smile… and go celebrate that I get to wake up and do what I love.




Wave at the Haters.

You have one life… one chance… one dream to leave a legacy. How you wake up and act today will set the stage for your life tomorrow.

DoI have regrets? Yes. Do I stumble with my choices sometimes? Absolutely.

DoI know that I will never allow certain people, places, or things to be responsible for the detrimental navigation of my own happiness?

You bet your @ss I do.

Today is my day and yours…!!

Don’t politely tell this world who you are. SHOW THEM.

I promise you, someone is watching. We have a choice, we have a say, and we determine who we will become.

Amen and amen!


#waveatthemhaters #smileatastranger

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is sneaks2.jpg

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

Choose Happy.

If the shirt fits… preach it
If the shoe fits… wear it

The magic happens when we believe that we will accept and tolerate NOTHING LESS than what brings us peace and joy.

Make peace with where you are in your journey and burn a light so bright… the path is outlined for those who are watching.