
Transformation is a continuous remodeling of the self.

For me to continue to gain self love, and move with an energized spirit… I know the work is never done.

The open road this morning makes me feel alive. It’s a space where all the cares, ideas, and negativity dripped on me from the day before can be pounded away with each release of my foot.

How good does it feel… when we can move with fluidity… all the while showing toxic people, damaging thoughts, and dream squashers that our joy, our drive and belief in the goodness of others and ourselves will continue to triumph?

It feels damn good…

Continue to transform today. Get up and get after it. There’s work to be done!


Thankful Thursday

With the season of Thanksgiving approaching, I know our minds are busy with all the upcoming festivities that it brings.

We make lists, plan our meals, and dust off the “good dishes” for their once a year place setting, and we rush through the craziness.

Today I challenge you to slow down, and think about one thing you are thankful for.

If it’s a person, call them and tell them.

If it’s a place that keeps your heart alive, and your soul happy… take your mind or your physical self there. Simply relish how this place settles all the madness in you.

Thankfulness can be hard if we let unkempt thoughts, the manipulative actions of others, and leftover pain or grief stay simmering on the back burner.

Today I am thankful for the gift of my words; and how, to me personally, it is a God-given gift bestowed on me.

I’m thankful to carefully place the words of my head to your hearts for healing, with a desire to change the world.

“The best time to be thankful… is always”

I would love for you to leave a comment about what you are thankful for today.



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The Daily Summit

To reach the summit or peak of life is not just a one-time experience. We must give forth an effort daily. Climb, rest, repeat.

Distractions continually will try to disrupt our footing and move us to a place of unbalance both mentally and physically.

We gain resilience when we choose not to let the loose footing of our lives define us, halt us, or destroy us.

You will without a doubt hear negativity from someone today. You will be tempted, frustrated, and persuaded to get off the trail of your goals, good works, and beautiful visions.

Don’t be fooled… be wiser, be steadfast, and deliberate in your awareness of where you are headed.

Whether we are running, walking, hiking, working, or at home… let us meet this dawn with a joy-filled spirit. Let us release all the toxic moisture of those people, places, and things that try so hard to overtake our spirit.

Inspire someone today to welcome themselves home… to not give up on their quest to be better… to live better.

May we all find the summit of this day.

Don’t give up today, the view from the top is worth it.

#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #thedailysummit

What If?


So today is Wednesday. Some of us will wake up with same mindset that has stolen our joy for years. We will complain. We will start our day with the weight of all the stress we will face today. We will let fear cripple us.

We will scroll through social media… compare ourselves to others, wish we were somewhere different, or think of ways that we could mirror someone else’s life.

I am guilty of it, too. I have had too many Wednesdays where I start my day feeling low, tired, and with a feeling of complete failure.

What if today… we drop all our excuses? What if today is the day you decide to wake up happy on purpose?

What if today is the day you stop letting fear keep you from trying new things and becoming great?

What if today we step out of our comfort zones and take a step toward greatness?

What if today we say yes to treating our bodies how they should be treated?

We make life hard sometimes. We allow others and ourselves to rob the self-worth we all deserve. Start today… and just begin.

What if today is the day we change our life?

Together we can. Amen. ❤️

Why Not Wednesday!

Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you change your life?

Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you cut the excuses?

Why not wake up today and decide you are going put to rest doubt and fear?

Why not wake up today and forget the scale, forget the harsh screams of others and just be wonderfully you?

Why not wake up today and smile and wave at all them haters and naysayers?

Today is yours. The work is hard, and the road may be long, but the journey, every paved and unpaved mile will teach you something valuable. Set out to find gratitude in each mile.

Have acceptance in each setback, and have hope for every victory yet to come. Someone is watching you.

Show them kindness, teach them love, and let them in on your successes.

Bitterness need not apply. Now let’s go smash some pavement… after all, it is Wednesday!!

The Choice is Yours.

Every day we make a choice. Today I choose to NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP.

The work is hard and tiring… but the road is paved with self satisfaction, and a joy that no one person can ever take from me.

Find what you love and do it… do it with fire in your eyes. Do it with a smile. Do it happy or sad… alone or afraid. Just know that every day you are writing your legacy… how will you leave your mark on this world?

How will they remember you? Someone is watching you. Be kind… be bold… but be undoubtedly an example of good.

Now let’s get this done.

#beyourownmayday #nevernevernevergiveup #runningismylife

Faith and Timing

Faith and timing. These two words are thrown around plenty. But are we trusting in both to guide us to our greatest moments of fulfillment?

We all want the easy road. The path of least resistance. The quicker result, the fast-track model, now, rush, instant gratification, the “I need it yesterday” mentality.

Everything comes in His timing. My path, my journey has been painfully slow… with setbacks, rollovers, do-overs and slow motions.

Faith allows me to get up and keep going. Faith pushes me when I think I can’t… when I’m told I won’t… and renews me with a purpose-filled cup.

All that is happening to me and for me, right this minute, is perfect in His plan, timed with divine purpose.

Don’t be dismayed, do not quit, do not settle, do not try to halt the deeper feeling within you that are fighting to be led to greatness.

You are here now, with an aliveness that is magnificent. You have so much to give, and to be present for.

Let faith be your guide. Let trust be your mantra, and let your soul out of the cage.

Today is the day. Onward, Loves…

#todayistheday #faith #anotherchapterinmybookwritten

Crossing the Threshold.

At today’s dawn I am awakened with the usual background noise of my head. That old voice starts placing doubt, emanating false scenarios, doing its best to convince me that my symphony of renewal and joy is not possible.

To acknowledge and cross a new threshold is always a challenge. The beauty of our being insists on taking its time. Nothing is rushed, and change only arrives when we abruptly shut the door to our pain, our limitations, and old patterns of behavior.

Receive your threshold as an invitation that whatever comes to you today in great amounts or minimal affirmations is meant to be yours.

Life always remains faithful to us even when grace is invisible. Hope is silent, and glory seems miles away.

Go out and do good today, meet your threshold, and may you feel that you have a great belonging.

It’s Not Easy, Going Rogue.

Back in my hometown this morning on my beautiful paved roads of familiarity. This past week of mountain climbing put my body to the test, revealing areas of needed improvement.

My mindset was challenged… yet this experience gave me a sense of improved peace, and a complete appreciation for what it truly means to work for the reward.

I’m starting today with a refurbished attitude. I journaled my new goals this morning, releasing all the crap that was ready to slither in and set up roadblocks. Each day begins with a choice to settle… or a choosing of doing better… being better… living better.

It’s not easy going rogue. Standing tall for better choices, seeking better people, living for God and loving yourself enough to be transparent so others can see it is possible.

I’ve lived in my own hell. I wrote the book on feeling sorry, feeling guilty, and falling short.

Today is glorious. The air is perfect, the sun is shining. I hear the wind softly singing its own song, and the birds are happy. Today can be the day you decide change is gonna come.

I see you… I heard you… I believe in you. Let’s get going. Time waits for no one.

Show Your Face to the Morning.

Some of us today will wake up with a sense of uncertainty.

We will walk down the hall with the same inner conflict we have every day since we can remember.

Some of us will wake up today hungover, ashamed and with a deep disgust within ourselves that we yet again let substance win over our truest longing for sobriety.

Some of us will wake up hiding the cookie package, crumpling the chip bag, hearing the screams of defeat echo that “you’ll always be fat and unhealthy.”

One of us will have woken up after standing up to a bully, deciding that today they will no longer have power over you.

One of us will have prayed for the first time ever… hoping for just one miracle teetering on the brink of a rock bottom.

One of us will wake up and draw the curtains open for the first time in a decade… unsure if the anxiety will let them outside for even just a minute.

One of us will need a friend today. One of us will have a huge victory, and of us will no doubt have a setback.

Whomever you are, wherever you are… draw the shades, let the light in, let the bad shit out. Own it, claim it, trust it, and move through it.

Rise on up… show your face to the morning.

Show up uninvited to all the places within you trying to hold you back. Today matters, and so do you 🌻.