The Gray Area… is the place between black and white. It’s the place where truths are discovered, hurts are healed, tears are wiped, and love wins.
It’s the place that tore me apart, made me whole, begged me to stop and forced me to go.
It’s the place where hatred was laid to rest, forgiveness was born. Where the glistening of the pavement, and the sounds of my feet hitting it… set me free.
It’s the place where dreams are made, wishes come true, and miracles do exist.
Yes… I love color. I love all things beautiful and bright… but may we never forget the simplistic value of what we learn in between the black and white.
To be a front runner in our personal lives requires us to lead with an open heart, display a willingness to be consistent, and have the courage to face our monsters hiding in the closet.
As I reflect back on the slideshow of my life, often times it seems surreal. The moments when I retrace and pace the steps of how I got to this place, in this very moment, seem translucent.
My years of active addiction and being overweight ingrained feelings of shame, driving the markers of failure deeper. I denied my inner cry for help.
For years I tried to hide the whiskey on my breath. I wept in silence, I gulped processed food in silence… and I hated myself out loud.
I don’t know what you’re facing today… but I do know this. Perhaps today is the day you must descend down in order to rise up to a better tomorrow.
Sit or lie with whatever it is, until you have comfortably declared that it will no longer control you. And remember: just as the autumn leaves must fall to face their destiny… even on the ground, their beauty is magnificent.
Today does not have to be radical nor does it have to be complicated. We are all worthy of moving at our own pace. Today is about understanding that as we grow inward and in faith, it gets harder to fake what we won’t be.
Make an advanced choice to put your truth in front of your impression.
We start slow. We start by admittance. Ask yourself… what do I need to face today? Maybe it’s been hidden for years, or maybe the prints are still fresh.
Move through today with grace and strength. Life is waiting for you.
To reach the summit or peak of life is not just a one-time experience. We must give forth an effort daily. Climb, rest, repeat.
Distractions continually will try to disrupt our footing and move us to a place of unbalance both mentally and physically.
We gain resilience when we choose not to let the loose footing of our lives define us, halt us, or destroy us.
You will without a doubt hear negativity from someone today. You will be tempted, frustrated, and persuaded to get off the trail of your goals, good works, and beautiful visions.
Don’t be fooled… be wiser, be steadfast, and deliberate in your awareness of where you are headed.
Whether we are running, walking, hiking, working, or at home… let us meet this dawn with a joy-filled spirit. Let us release all the toxic moisture of those people, places, and things that try so hard to overtake our spirit.
Inspire someone today to welcome themselves home… to not give up on their quest to be better… to live better.
May we all find the summit of this day.
Don’t give up today, the view from the top is worth it.
What can you do today that sets you apart from typical crap we face… especially on a Monday!?
Keep Running is such a great mantra for me. It can be delineated in so many areas of life.
There are never-ending reasons life gives us to bow our heads quietly and feel defeat.
We get easily annoyed by traffic, people, overthinking, the stress of our work.
Stuck in our home life, our addictions, our shortcomings and struggles… we simply forget to keep going.
Perseverance, practice, and promise give us hope and a reason to always believe that what we do matters… integrity matters… the dreams and aspirations that live inside you matter…
Take today… this day, Monday, as a chance not to stop and start over, not to sit with deep regret, not to judge yourself for what you did or didn’t do… but simply to keep going…
Keep Running.
You will be amazed at how much love this universe has for you.
You will be overjoyed when you watch the seasons of your being blossom into vivid greatness.
Whatever tries to halt your progress today… turn your head, root your feet and just “keep running.” ☀️
I am so overjoyed to announce that along with my blog page, I now have a safe space to share, inspire, love, and grow!
So today is Wednesday. Some of us will wake up with same mindset that has stolen our joy for years. We will complain. We will start our day with the weight of all the stress we will face today. We will let fear cripple us.
We will scroll through social media… compare ourselves to others, wish we were somewhere different, or think of ways that we could mirror someone else’s life.
I am guilty of it, too. I have had too many Wednesdays where I start my day feeling low, tired, and with a feeling of complete failure.
What if today… we drop all our excuses? What if today is the day you decide to wake up happy on purpose?
What if today is the day you stop letting fear keep you from trying new things and becoming great?
What if today we step out of our comfort zones and take a step toward greatness?
What if today we say yes to treating our bodies how they should be treated?
We make life hard sometimes. We allow others and ourselves to rob the self-worth we all deserve. Start today… and just begin.
Arising to face the day can meet us each with a choice. Do we allow things to shake us upside down and apart? Or can we root deeply into the earth and ground ourselves?
I know for me… ridiculous thoughts, unhealthy patterns, and toxic people will continue to try to seep through my protective barriers in hopes of initiating unsteadiness and crumbling my solid footing.
Stumbling a bit is okay. Actually, it’s quite necessary in the grounding process. We are not meant to do it right all the time. We are not meant to be perfect.
We are meant to receive daily grace, find acceptance in the beautifully broken, seek only those who better us. This is how we land at the place where we will root our foot and ground ourselves in what we believe in and fight for.
If you move about awkwardly today… it’s okay. If you are unsure and stumble a bit… it’s okay. If you aren’t sure why you’re here or where you’re going… it’s okay. But when you feel like the moment is right… ground down… plant your feet… release all that is not serving you.
Allow all that has shaken you to dissolve… and find the steadiness you deserve.
When we stay in tune with our inner being, we recharge our power. Yoga and meditation are important for me as a runner to seek gratitude in my capabilities.
As a human being, these practices allow me to reset my focus. They set me back into the present moment and sketch a blueprint for my well-being and success.
I can easily get sucked back into conflicting thoughts. I can easily get drawn into a vortex of shit that promises success and elation but only delivers despair and destruction.
Today, seek what is good. Demand nothing but that which will fill you with happiness and promise.
Leave toxic crap where it belongs… and rise above the people and things you set you back. This leg of my journey always brings challenge… but this woman will always bring grit, and self-will.
Rise up today from wherever you are. Re-set. Re center. Re-focus, and then hold yourself.
Tell yourself you’re listening… you are trying… and that you are loved.
Join our safe space where we will share, inspire, love, and grow!
Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you change your life?
Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you cut the excuses?
Why not wake up today and decide you are going put to rest doubt and fear?
Why not wake up today and forget the scale, forget the harsh screams of others and just be wonderfully you?
Why not wake up today and smile and wave at all them haters and naysayers?
Today is yours. The work is hard, and the road may be long, but the journey, every paved and unpaved mile will teach you something valuable. Set out to find gratitude in each mile.
Have acceptance in each setback, and have hope for every victory yet to come. Someone is watching you.
Show them kindness, teach them love, and let them in on your successes.
Bitterness need not apply. Now let’s go smash some pavement… after all, it is Wednesday!!
Some of us today will wake up with a sense of uncertainty.
We will walk down the hall with the same inner conflict we have every day since we can remember.
Some of us will wake up today hungover, ashamed and with a deep disgust within ourselves that we yet again let substance win over our truest longing for sobriety.
Some of us will wake up hiding the cookie package, crumpling the chip bag, hearing the screams of defeat echo that “you’ll always be fat and unhealthy.”
One of us will have woken up after standing up to a bully, deciding that today they will no longer have power over you.
One of us will have prayed for the first time ever… hoping for just one miracle teetering on the brink of a rock bottom.
One of us will wake up and draw the curtains open for the first time in a decade… unsure if the anxiety will let them outside for even just a minute.
One of us will need a friend today. One of us will have a huge victory, and of us will no doubt have a setback.
Whomever you are, wherever you are… draw the shades, let the light in, let the bad shit out. Own it, claim it, trust it, and move through it.
Rise on up… show your face to the morning.
Show up uninvited to all the places within you trying to hold you back. Today matters, and so do you .
I look down my long beautiful county road this morning. It’s the same road I have run for years although today something is different… perspective.
This road has taught me so much about myself. It’s taught me patience when the answers won’t come fast enough, it’s taught me appreciation for the beautiful place I get to call home.
It’s taught me to value myself, and to always trust my gut. It’s taught me humbleness, and that no matter what there is purpose in each step on this pavement.
Your road is a teacher. Learn from it today….then take what you know and gift it to someone else. Someone is watching you… show them greatness 💛.