
To achieve greatness we must take every sour thing that has tried to dim our light and revolt.

We must take every lie we were taught to believe and turn it into truth.

We must relentlessly and repetitively find our purpose and make it known why we were destined to be granted a spin on this earth.

Being overweight is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Being angry, defeated, and without joy is hard.

Staying sober can be hard, staying motivated is hard. Discipline is hard. The choice is ours… we choose our hard.

Effort counts… consistency counts… our will counts. Wake up and cut the anvils. Be your own mayday and let’s show this world… that we are not just talkers … 

We are World Changers.

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.


As we approach this season of Thanksgiving, I realize more and more just how much life has given me. Seeing my breath hit the cold air… feeling alive as my heart pumps fast, and my lungs burn… all the time knowing that not everyone gets to do this, and what a true gift it is to be able to be active, and well.

The human body is an amazing masterpiece. Our senses, taste, touch, our eyes to see all that is created wonderfully. We can use our senses for things recognizable, but it’s our hearts that make us the incredible humans we are.

Face all possibilities today with a relentless flow of love and happiness. The dark will always continue to try to conceal our truth within. But the heart know us, and is ever-attentive to allow tenderness and dismiss fear.

Run, work, play and do all things today with an appreciation for your heart. Respond to the call of life and may your presence shine brightly. A loving heart will always awaken the spirit of possibility… go forth and start living!

May all troubled hearts find hope, may the eyes of your heart open… and may today be the day Destiny draws you in.


Reflections on Forty-Six.

And so today the first day of another trip around the sun begins. Forty-seven years does not seem possible nor fathomable… yet here it is, staring back at me with deep reflections.

Forty-six has been a year of immense change in a continued inward journey, leaps of faith, heartbreak, and lessons learned.

Forty-six has encapsulated feelings of uncertainty, nevertheless allowing me to see the distinctions of people, life idiosyncrasies, and how I will continue to lead my life more clearly than ever.

I have learned that this world is unbelievably broken… full of political disaster, inhumane behaviors, endless tragedy, but even still remains incredibly beautiful.

I have personally watched a pandemic change the fate of medicine before my very eyes. I have witnessed lonely people scared to death, hardened people become softer, and have questioned and teetered on a tightrope of my own beliefs.

Forty-six gave the courage to start something new, go out of my comfort zone, only to teach me that where I was in the first place is where I belong… and getting back there was both an admission of failure and growth.

Forty-six has taught me courage. Some people will continue to hurt you without validated answers of why, and that boundaries are absolutely acceptable and necessary.

It taught me that the deliberate actions of others speak volumes about their character not mine, and that my job is to continue to pray and forgive their brokenness. That forgiveness does not mean tolerance, and that strength is always born with spoken truths.

Forty-six gave me another year with an amazing family that, although not perfect, is woven with love, strength, and of an unspoken knowingness of unity no matter what.

Forty-six has granted me the opportunity to meet some very special people… each with their own story that I now am privileged to be a small part of.

Forty-six is gone and has taken many parts of me with it. Although many tears have been shed… joy has been re-born. My appreciation and gratefulness for life is greater than my sorrow, and whatever my fate is… I’ll meet it with contentedness.

Forty-six will not be just another number but a celebration of what’s to come. My sneakers, my paved roads, my dream of running the Boston Marathon, my writing, my immense passion to inspire others, and spread hope will remain at the forefront of my being.

May 47 give me a soft place to rest, persist in leading me to my life’s work and purpose, and continue to offer me daily grace.

To be continued💛💛💛

Simple Gifts.

Seek the simplicity of life. Stop and admire God’s awestruck beauty. Give special thanks to all who have set roadblocks… and those who have lifted them.

Practice what you preach. Make your bed. Make peace with yourself. Tell toxic people they’re un-invited, and set the table of your life with only those who bring you hope, goodness, and insight.

It’s never too late to start over. You’re not a lost cause. You have a gift. Use it. Be still, be alert, and be ready. Life is waiting for you.

My road has taught me something so valuable. That I matter, my ways of being matter, and you matter. The view finder of this road this morning was a gift. Find yours… and know it was meant to teach you… period. The end.

#lookathisview #morningvibes #beastudentoflife

Healing Journey.

Heading out to be in nature. Nature is the one place where we can be ourselves. There are no time constraints, no phones ringing, no emails. It is a place where we can set aside just for moment in time all the things that weigh us down.

It is here where I appreciate what my creator has given me. Nature offers me hope for my future, and steadies my faith in this crazy world.

Above all… I set out on this 10-mile hike with gratitude. I am here for a purpose. Whether it be big or small, I am making a difference in the lives of beautiful people. I choose who I am in this moment.

Never underestimate the depths of your words, the intense power of a smile, and how a little kindness can become someone’s first stepping stone of healing.

Be kind today…🖤

#hikingthetrail #kindnessmatters #healingjourney

The Road is Your Teacher

I look down my long beautiful county road this morning. It’s the same road I have run for years although today something is different… perspective.

This road has taught me so much about myself. It’s taught me patience when the answers won’t come fast enough, it’s taught me appreciation for the beautiful place I get to call home.

It’s taught me to value myself, and to always trust my gut. It’s taught me humbleness, and that no matter what there is purpose in each step on this pavement.

Your road is a teacher. Learn from it today….then take what you know and gift it to someone else. Someone is watching you… show them greatness 💛.


The climb in any journey is filled with uneven pavement, unexplored trails and pathways, and unexplained moments of both sorrow and joy.

I can’t stay stuck or complacent. I must wake each day hungry for change, thirsty to arrive at the doormat of peace, and eager to be a leader not a follower.

Seek to move mountains. Train to fulfill your greatest potential.

Do not settle for anything less than what brings you victory.

The summit of life reveals beauty and satisfaction… but it’s the climb that tells our tale of both resilience and determination. 🖤


This week has been a week of deep thought, release and reproach. Forgiveness of myself is something I’m often reluctant to strive for.

As disciplined as I am, it’s easy for to me to be to set in my ways, too hard on myself, and too one-sided in many areas of thinking.

This week I set some new goals for myself.

I promised myself more journaling time. I challenged myself to see a difficult situation in a forgiving light instead of an angered one.

I enjoyed some foods I usually scold myself for having… I allowed myself to loosen the lid of the pressure cooker of life.

There are familiar places, smells, sounds, and landscapes that enter my mind often and take me back to a time of comfort, peace, and solace. This week I reminded myself that to get to this place, I need to paddle with the current… not against it.

Be the love… be unstoppable… be understanding… be available for all the things that make you happy.

Don’t get caught in the riptide. Do not go against the flow, but work with the current to get you upstream to the destination of your dreams…

The Next Right Thing.

So here’s what I’ve learned and what life has taught me. My transformation is far from over.

Life has taught me to accept that we are only as good as our choices. It has taught me that only our own hearts know our truest intentions. It’s taught me that exterior beauty doesn’t mean a thing if your inner soul sucks, and that we can only keep living and preaching our truth.

My road is still at times bumpy– and at times I could easily let 80 proof do what it does and numb what I think I can’t face… yet I don’t choose it.

I could let the lies and unkindness of others puddle around me…. yet I don’t choose it. I just need to continue to step my feet to the next right thing… and I know my destination will end at a place of wellness and joy.

Running saved my soul… but I chose to save myself.

Whatever you face today, and wherever you are in your personal transformation… keep doing the next right thing and may your journey tell a story of greatness 🖤.

#transformationtuesday #hopedealer #preaching

I Choose.

I choose…

To live by my standards, not society’s.

To live by choice… not by chance.

To be motivated… not manipulated.

To be useful… not used.

To make changes, not excuses.

To excel for myself… not compete with others.

I choose self worth, not self pity.

I choose integrity over conforming.

I choose peace over bullshit.

I choose me.

What do you choose today?

#hopedealer #changeisgonnacome