It’s Finally Here 💛💛💛

It began as a tiny piece of ripped notebook paper and a pen. My vision of finding the perfect name, finding a home for all the jumbled words of my head and heart to live is finally here.

Welcome to My Blog: Run Before You Fly

This website is dedicated to all those who hurt, who dream, who wish to come alive, who are searching for their purpose. It’s a place to visit for comfort, to seek hope, and know that my words for you are not just to fill empty space on a blank page.

These words were, are, and will continue to be written through every door I have walked out of in my past, walked through during the height of my healing and transformation, and for those places I have yet to visit in arriving fully to myself and fulfilling even my wildest dreams.

To everyone who has supported me, encouraged me, and who has waited patiently for this place where my words can settle… a thank you doesn’t seem to cover my deepest appreciation for you. And a special thank you to Dina Gio who was a tremendous gift in making this possible.

May my purpose be to continue to inspire others. May my transparency reveal what is possible, and may you know that no matter what life gives you, or takes from you… you are capable, and so much stronger than you think.

In life, we all must “Run Before We Fly.”

To reach the elevation of our truest being, we must set out and just start… just begin… one step at time.

May we all soar… today, tomorrow, and forever.

#moretocomein2022 #runbeforeyoufly #withapensheflies

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

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Unpack It.

What are you carrying around with you today? My journey has taught me that the load I was carrying was far too heavy.

The things I packed in my heart and my bag of life weighed me down, made me lose my footing, and were starving me of vital peace and happiness.

“Running saved my life” is a very true statement. But so did learning to unpack my bag, look at its contents and steadily decide what I was keeping and what I was discarding.

We carry so much around that only hinders our progress and our purpose. We let toxic people infiltrate. We let naysayers impose an opinion we didn’t ask for, and we let societal nonsense halt the true path of what our creator intended for us.

Today, pack your bag with only the items that will aid you to rise. Leave room for only the things that bring joy and hope. The obstacles, the trials, the demons, the indecency of others, they no longer fit.

Leave space for love. Leave space for dreams, and lift your new packed bag of life with a smile and an all knowing that this bag is taking you places… 🧡

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Why Not Wednesday!

Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you change your life?

Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you cut the excuses?

Why not wake up today and decide you are going put to rest doubt and fear?

Why not wake up today and forget the scale, forget the harsh screams of others and just be wonderfully you?

Why not wake up today and smile and wave at all them haters and naysayers?

Today is yours. The work is hard, and the road may be long, but the journey, every paved and unpaved mile will teach you something valuable. Set out to find gratitude in each mile.

Have acceptance in each setback, and have hope for every victory yet to come. Someone is watching you.

Show them kindness, teach them love, and let them in on your successes.

Bitterness need not apply. Now let’s go smash some pavement… after all, it is Wednesday!!

The Choice is Yours.

Every day we make a choice. Today I choose to NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP.

The work is hard and tiring… but the road is paved with self satisfaction, and a joy that no one person can ever take from me.

Find what you love and do it… do it with fire in your eyes. Do it with a smile. Do it happy or sad… alone or afraid. Just know that every day you are writing your legacy… how will you leave your mark on this world?

How will they remember you? Someone is watching you. Be kind… be bold… but be undoubtedly an example of good.

Now let’s get this done.

#beyourownmayday #nevernevernevergiveup #runningismylife

Faith and Timing

Faith and timing. These two words are thrown around plenty. But are we trusting in both to guide us to our greatest moments of fulfillment?

We all want the easy road. The path of least resistance. The quicker result, the fast-track model, now, rush, instant gratification, the “I need it yesterday” mentality.

Everything comes in His timing. My path, my journey has been painfully slow… with setbacks, rollovers, do-overs and slow motions.

Faith allows me to get up and keep going. Faith pushes me when I think I can’t… when I’m told I won’t… and renews me with a purpose-filled cup.

All that is happening to me and for me, right this minute, is perfect in His plan, timed with divine purpose.

Don’t be dismayed, do not quit, do not settle, do not try to halt the deeper feeling within you that are fighting to be led to greatness.

You are here now, with an aliveness that is magnificent. You have so much to give, and to be present for.

Let faith be your guide. Let trust be your mantra, and let your soul out of the cage.

Today is the day. Onward, Loves…

#todayistheday #faith #anotherchapterinmybookwritten

Superhero (It’s Not About the Scale.)

It’s Transformation Tuesday!

There is a limit to the amount of misery and crap we will put up with. There is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand in your mind, in your heart space, and in your spirit.

This is not just about weight. I don’t believe in scales.

It’s not about what you weigh. Some of the most beautiful people I know are different sizes, shapes, body structures… and they exemplify who and what true heroes are, and that kindness in this world still exists.

This is about freedom from your addictions, from your toxic relationships, from society telling you one way is better than the next.

I was addicted to food, to whisky, to anything that numbed away reality. I lost hope, I swam in fear… until I took charge. I wanted full transformation.

You don’t need to be a certain size to be worthy. You don’t need to model yourself after anyone other than who your own beautiful soul is. You do need to live with choices you make, good and bad.

I wanted better. I wanted to finally trust that I was woven and spun… purposefully here, to do my job.

My job is to tell you: whatever you think you can’t overcome? You can.

Whomever is telling you that you’re not made for your dreams and aspirations… is dead wrong.

And lastly: you were made to shine. Get a match and let’s go 🔥💥☄️

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.


As we approach this season of Thanksgiving, I realize more and more just how much life has given me. Seeing my breath hit the cold air… feeling alive as my heart pumps fast, and my lungs burn… all the time knowing that not everyone gets to do this, and what a true gift it is to be able to be active, and well.

The human body is an amazing masterpiece. Our senses, taste, touch, our eyes to see all that is created wonderfully. We can use our senses for things recognizable, but it’s our hearts that make us the incredible humans we are.

Face all possibilities today with a relentless flow of love and happiness. The dark will always continue to try to conceal our truth within. But the heart know us, and is ever-attentive to allow tenderness and dismiss fear.

Run, work, play and do all things today with an appreciation for your heart. Respond to the call of life and may your presence shine brightly. A loving heart will always awaken the spirit of possibility… go forth and start living!

May all troubled hearts find hope, may the eyes of your heart open… and may today be the day Destiny draws you in.


Crossing the Threshold.

At today’s dawn I am awakened with the usual background noise of my head. That old voice starts placing doubt, emanating false scenarios, doing its best to convince me that my symphony of renewal and joy is not possible.

To acknowledge and cross a new threshold is always a challenge. The beauty of our being insists on taking its time. Nothing is rushed, and change only arrives when we abruptly shut the door to our pain, our limitations, and old patterns of behavior.

Receive your threshold as an invitation that whatever comes to you today in great amounts or minimal affirmations is meant to be yours.

Life always remains faithful to us even when grace is invisible. Hope is silent, and glory seems miles away.

Go out and do good today, meet your threshold, and may you feel that you have a great belonging.

Inhale Courage, Exhale Fear

She awoke one day in her usual frame of mind. Her head pounded from booze the prior night. The processed crap she had eaten just before laying down did not comfort her as promised… only left her feeling more empty and digusted.

She slightly remembered her repeated promise to herself only hours before that someday things would be different.

Fear roared louder and louder, telling her she wasn’t strong enough to change. Fear invited itself in to set up camp in her mind, expecting to stay for the long haul without question or hesitation.

Courage had other plans, and waited ever so patiently to surface. Courage held her hand and led her inward.

“We’re going deep,” Courage whispered… “We may be gone a while. But when we come, back fear will no longer live here.”

“Are you sure I’m ready?” she mouthed.

Courage took a big inhale and said:

“We’ve waited our whole life for this moment. Onward, Love… the end. 🌸🌷🌿.

What fear is holding you back today? Inhale… exhale… onward.

#hopedealer #inhalecourageexhalefear #wegotthistogether

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Doing Great

“Sorry, can’t today… I’m off doing great.”‼️

-Suzanne Swanson

We all need this reminder. What challenge do you face today? Life has its cunning way of prompting us to believe that we are not capable of living better, overcoming obstacles, and experiencing greater things.

The truth is: we are not just our personal stories. We are not just our failures and successes. We are not just our addictions and shortcomings. We are not just our PTSDs and our depressions. We are not just our wisdoms nor our lack of knowledge.

We are fighting a battle every day called life. We combat the ways of words and actions of people, ideas, and daily unfairness. We work tirelessly to build our stability, challenge our weaknesses, and strive to be better.

Arm yourself today with good thoughts. Know you are unbelievably loved, and despite the toxic crap that can rain down on you…

“You are doing great.”

Say it until you feel it, believe it, and see it.

Spread hope like a virus, and know you are not a “just”… you are more!