It began as a tiny piece of ripped notebook paper and a pen. My vision of finding the perfect name, finding a home for all the jumbled words of my head and heart to live is finally here.
Welcome to My Blog: Run Before You Fly
This website is dedicated to all those who hurt, who dream, who wish to come alive, who are searching for their purpose. It’s a place to visit for comfort, to seek hope, and know that my words for you are not just to fill empty space on a blank page.
These words were, are, and will continue to be written through every door I have walked out of in my past, walked through during the height of my healing and transformation, and for those places I have yet to visit in arriving fully to myself and fulfilling even my wildest dreams.
To everyone who has supported me, encouraged me, and who has waited patiently for this place where my words can settle… a thank you doesn’t seem to cover my deepest appreciation for you. And a special thank you to Dina Gio who was a tremendous gift in making this possible.
May my purpose be to continue to inspire others. May my transparency reveal what is possible, and may you know that no matter what life gives you, or takes from you… you are capable, and so much stronger than you think.
In life, we all must “Run Before We Fly.”
To reach the elevation of our truest being, we must set out and just start… just begin… one step at time.
May we all soar… today, tomorrow, and forever.
#moretocomein2022 #runbeforeyoufly #withapensheflies
Stay in Touch with Suzanne
Thank you for supporting my writing endeavor at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!