She took a trip deep inside her. She didn’t pack much for this day trip. She wasn’t staying long… her past asked her to sit, pull up a chair, and stay awhile.
She smiled softly with an all knowing that the overthinkers, the overwhelmers, the doubters, all the cunning games of her mind would soon enter the room for a visit too.
She allowed them all to sit and one by one she gave them an opportunity to pitch their deal of opportunity to her… if she chose to stay.
As she got up to leave they spoke quickly and desperately, asking why she was leaving so soon.
“I’m a transient guest today,” she answered.
“I respect what you have taught me. I acknowledge the things I cannot change, and I will never give up and allow you to hijack the contentedness that I cultivated from the cracks of light that you barely let in.”
My past is impermanent, my presence is joy, and my future is whatever I want it to be… and so is yours.
Know that the places we must visit from time to time are necessary. That sometimes to “become” we must “unbecome” first. That the dark places deep within us are often softer, and kinder than we think.
The greatest of your strengths are often built from the aftermath. Settle for nothing less than what brings you warmth, brilliance, and passion.
“Shut the door on your way out,” the past screamed… and with her eyes she spoke:
“Think twice about inviting me next time… good day.”

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

Thank you for supporting my writing and running endeavors at I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!