Did you ever stop to think how scary it can be to have your visibility dimmed or hidden? One minute you can see the road ahead, the next you’re following your gut, keeping the faith that you will sway gently with curves, relying on familiarity, and trusting that with each step… although foggy, you will get to your destination?
This morning’s run started out very dark, misty. Visibility was poor. I run these roads every day, I know them like the back of my hand… yet when our visibility is stripped… things appear different, even feel different.
I thought about faith on this run, and how sometimes we simply must trust. We have to believe in something greater… something better… something wonderful. Knowing that if we are just patient enough, the path will be lit and the view is incredible.
The last half of this run, the sun crept up over the horizon. The pavement was suddenly clearly marked, and the view between the trees was breathtaking.
Life can have poor visibility. We can for a moment be in dark places… but in these moments, hug the corners, rely on something bigger and greater, and have faith that your path will light.
We learn in the fog, and become a beacon when it lifts. Amen. #walkbyfaithnotbysight

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