“New Year, New You”

Sleepless nights. Tossing and turning. Hating my choices. Angry at where life “put me.” Feelings of low self esteem. Daily wars with my inner self. HATE. EAT. DRINK. REPEAT.

That was my life for years, only I did it in silence so I could isolate myself from penetrating words, good people, and the truth.

It wasn’t until the long distance sport of running taught me to be tougher than my demons. It taught me patience, and endurance. 

It taught me humbleness, and mercy. It taught me that a little daily discipline, coupled with passion, and a good diet could be the answer to unlocking the door and leaving my living hell, and a hell I chose to stay in far too long.

We all hear the same crap. “It’s a New Year, New You”… “Start tomorrow, today is over.” “I’m going to do it… just not today.” 

I’m here to tell you: today counts. This minute counts. You don’t need a new month, or new turn of the numbers to give you permission to become your greatest self. Our addictions, the errors of our ways, and our poor choices can only thrive if we allow them to.

Be done with your own crap. Take the good advice you give others but never follow yourself. Make YOU a priority, don’t over complicate it. Eat a vegetable, drink more water, and let your story tell itself.

Somewhere today someone is watching you. Be a good teacher, and be a kind human. That. Is. All.

Let it Go.

She is a balance of raw strength and sudden weakness. She is a blend of deep seriousness, and a soft silliness.

She’s a space of deep darkness, yet with a light that draws others near.

As we gather within ourselves and prepare for another year, it’s time to release… time to purge. It’s time to clean out our closets of emotional clutter, and make room for nothing less that what heals us… what makes us well, and what radiates joy.

We all have “the things”… the imperfect relationships, the memory that holds us captive, the looking in the mirror sideways 100 times praying for just one day of actually liking ourselves.

We all pray silently for change. We dislike the cards dealt to us, but we continue to let others play our hand.

Look out into the unknown. See all the beautiful things that surround you. Release it there. Toss it away, and breathe new life into your purpose.

Emotional freedom is not free. It cost everything you have been through, everything both tragic, and lovely… but you are not required to re-up its subscription.

The greatest measure of courage is to release the past… forgive the poisonous people who do not expect it, and cultivate the new place where your beauty, your sense of freedom, and your dear life are claiming their power. Their strongholds have worn out their welcome… it’s you-time.

Onward, Loves…

Copyright Suzanne Swanson and Run Before You Fly. All rights reserved worldwide.

Join Us for the Peaceful Holidays Journaling Challenge

We love to write, and are pleased to bring you this simple, peaceful journaling challenge.

Thank you to those who have joined us for the Journal Your Way to a Peaceful Holiday Season 6-Day Writing Challenge!

Wanted to share a kind testimonial submitted by one of our participants:

…This is very well put together. I appreciate the effort Dina and Suzanne are putting into this and so very glad I signed up.

Day 2 was really good for me and I felt I was really able to express myself. I look forward to the days ahead. Happy journaling to those that are doing so!”

-Melinda Sparks Ardoin

Holidays are busy for everyone. We hope that for the days leading up to Christmas you are able to bring it all together, and really engage in and enjoy the most precious parts.

Our journaling challenge can help you relax into the spirit of the season and there is no pressure, obligation or judgment.

Learn more and sign up here

Merry almost Christmas!

Suzanne and Dina of Run Before You Fly

Timeless Tuesday

So you get up today and you say to yourself… ah S*#%, it’s just another Tuesday. You think about all the crap you did or didn’t do right yesterday. You punish yourself for the failed efforts of both personal and professional goals.

You let the television, the false promises of society, and the stigmas that have been branded into us for years take the lead role in your play of life.

I didn’t want to face reality. I didn’t want to stop guzzling whisky, I didn’t want to eat kale and superfoods. I wanted pity… I wanted comfort food, and I wanted to hide in my deep dark abyss of self loathing.

Get up… get dressed…. and get out of your own way. It’s not “just another Tuesday.”

Today can be the day of renewal, of starting over if you must, of making a list of crap you’re not tolerating and sticking to it.

Today is a day of uprooting all the nonsense, of reaching out for help, and finally putting you first.

Take special care today to forgive yourself. Know you are given grace each morning, and that small steps of determination will always win over large leaps of fear and uncertainty.

“Beautiful girl, you can do hard things.”

You’re damn right I can…#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY

#tuesdays #yesyouabsolutelycan

Journaling Course is Here!

Heads up for those interested in journaling for self-therapy, setting positive goals and welcoming an attitude of gratitude to ease stress and improve health overall.

We have a Peaceful Holiday Season journaling challenge all packed up and ready to deliver to you via email.

We’d love to have you on board for our illuminating writing discovery series. 

Learn more about this journaling challenge and sign up for the course here.

Know a Friend Who Would Love Suzanne’s Blog and Inspirational Group of Runners and Writers? Pass Them the Link to RunBeforeYouFly.com.

Receive inspiration via email from Suzanne. Sign up using the link!

Thank you for supporting my writing and running endeavors at RunBeforeyouFly.com. I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch! 

Receive updates via email when you sign up here.

With a Pen in Her Hand

…she is free.

Rest days come in all forms. On the days I know my legs need a break, I take the time to truly focus on how my mind is doing.

Writing is my release. It cleanses me. It is here on a small space between two lines that I can share my personal reflections, say goodbye to the crap that believes it’s still in control, and draw in some perspective.

It is here where I can release all the thoughts that are crowding precious space for new ideas, gentle guidance, or joy to enter.

It is here where I can visualize on paper what I have accomplished with my sneakers, what I have set free from my heart… and sketch my nutritional game plan for the week.

The investigation into our whys becomes the base layer for change. Put ink on paper, feel the pen in your hand, and make a contract with yourself to live better.

Words are powerful, tough, and have tremendous meaning when you take the time to read them… simplify your life… prioritize what helps… and may the pen and paper be exactly the rest you need.

Keep an eye out for “Journal Your Way to a Peaceful Holiday Season.” A mini course Dina and I will be offering to my Run Before You Fly members! Details coming soon!

#RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #withapeninherhandsheisfree

Journaling courses are here!

Interested in creative writing therapy as a way to heal from trauma or initiate self growth? Check out our latest emailed journaling course.

Sign up for our list to be notified of when our next, affordably priced journaling challenge will launch.

Face It.

To be a front runner in our personal lives requires us to lead with an open heart, display a willingness to be consistent, and have the courage to face our monsters hiding in the closet.

As I reflect back on the slideshow of my life, often times it seems surreal. The moments when I retrace and pace the steps of how I got to this place, in this very moment, seem translucent.

My years of active addiction and being overweight ingrained feelings of shame, driving the markers of failure deeper. I denied my inner cry for help.

For years I tried to hide the whiskey on my breath. I wept in silence, I gulped processed food in silence… and I hated myself out loud.

I don’t know what you’re facing today… but I do know this. Perhaps today is the day you must descend down in order to rise up to a better tomorrow.

Sit or lie with whatever it is, until you have comfortably declared that it will no longer control you. And remember: just as the autumn leaves must fall to face their destiny… even on the ground, their beauty is magnificent.

Today does not have to be radical nor does it have to be complicated. We are all worthy of moving at our own pace. Today is about understanding that as we grow inward and in faith, it gets harder to fake what we won’t be.

Make an advanced choice to put your truth in front of your impression.

We start slow. We start by admittance. Ask yourself… what do I need to face today? Maybe it’s been hidden for years, or maybe the prints are still fresh.

Move through today with grace and strength. Life is waiting for you.

RUNBEFOREYOUFLY #faceitfriday #runningsavedmylife

Stay in Touch with Suzanne

Thank you for supporting my writing and running endeavors at RunBeforeyouFly.com. I’m Suzanne Swanson and I’d love for us to keep in touch!

Receive updates via email when you sign up here.


Victories come in all ways that are unique to our goals and our personal achievements. It doesn’t always have to be about the time on the watch, the number on a scale, or what page 37 of the magazine says it is…

This morning I watched the most incredible sunrise I almost have ever witnessed. The sky was lavender, mixed with reds, and oranges, and a stillness that is hard to put into words… to be alive, out of bed, for my eyes to see that is a victory.

I struggle with running in heat and humidity. This morning I ran up the same hills that often defeat me, with ease and a lightness I haven’t felt in a long time. That’s a victory.

Maybe getting out of bed today for you is a victory. Maybe smoking one less cigarette, drinking one less drink, eating one less cookie, those are all victories.

Speaking the truth in love is a victory. Being a little kinder… not tolerating other people’s crap… all victories. Saying yes to yourself and no to societal stigmas. VICTORY.

It doesn’t matter how small or immeasurable you think your progress is. Feel the joy of it all. Your victories are your guide. Use them… thank them, and be glad in them. They are all part of your story.

Go find a victory today. Amen. 🖤

#whataview #runningmotivation #imaluckygirl

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Unpack It.

What are you carrying around with you today? My journey has taught me that the load I was carrying was far too heavy.

The things I packed in my heart and my bag of life weighed me down, made me lose my footing, and were starving me of vital peace and happiness.

“Running saved my life” is a very true statement. But so did learning to unpack my bag, look at its contents and steadily decide what I was keeping and what I was discarding.

We carry so much around that only hinders our progress and our purpose. We let toxic people infiltrate. We let naysayers impose an opinion we didn’t ask for, and we let societal nonsense halt the true path of what our creator intended for us.

Today, pack your bag with only the items that will aid you to rise. Leave room for only the things that bring joy and hope. The obstacles, the trials, the demons, the indecency of others, they no longer fit.

Leave space for love. Leave space for dreams, and lift your new packed bag of life with a smile and an all knowing that this bag is taking you places… 🧡

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

The Choice is Yours.

Every day we make a choice. Today I choose to NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP.

The work is hard and tiring… but the road is paved with self satisfaction, and a joy that no one person can ever take from me.

Find what you love and do it… do it with fire in your eyes. Do it with a smile. Do it happy or sad… alone or afraid. Just know that every day you are writing your legacy… how will you leave your mark on this world?

How will they remember you? Someone is watching you. Be kind… be bold… but be undoubtedly an example of good.

Now let’s get this done.

#beyourownmayday #nevernevernevergiveup #runningismylife

From the Ground Up.

Today is one of those days where life just feels right. Fall is in the air, the sounds of my feet stomping that pavement, along with rustling leaves, and the wind making its own music.

I thought about how lucky I have been. The friends who message me on the daily and cheer on my story of life.

I thought about how life has changed sadly and drastically with Covid and political strife. How this world and people are indifferent… yet each day we can still try to do better.

For all who made me smile and who made me cry… the lesson is in you.

For all who handed me a rope to grab and for those who cut it… the lesson is in you.

For all who continue to inspire me and for those who try to inflict toxicity… the lesson is in you.

For you see when she is built from the ground up, using only shattered remains of toughness, strength, courage, and resilience… nothing but absolutely nothing can stop her from sharing her dreams, gliding with integrity, and feeding this world some soul food.

Seek to conquer, seek to live wonderfully, and seek but nothing else that brings you home.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Superhero (It’s Not About the Scale.)

It’s Transformation Tuesday!

There is a limit to the amount of misery and crap we will put up with. There is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand in your mind, in your heart space, and in your spirit.

This is not just about weight. I don’t believe in scales.

It’s not about what you weigh. Some of the most beautiful people I know are different sizes, shapes, body structures… and they exemplify who and what true heroes are, and that kindness in this world still exists.

This is about freedom from your addictions, from your toxic relationships, from society telling you one way is better than the next.

I was addicted to food, to whisky, to anything that numbed away reality. I lost hope, I swam in fear… until I took charge. I wanted full transformation.

You don’t need to be a certain size to be worthy. You don’t need to model yourself after anyone other than who your own beautiful soul is. You do need to live with choices you make, good and bad.

I wanted better. I wanted to finally trust that I was woven and spun… purposefully here, to do my job.

My job is to tell you: whatever you think you can’t overcome? You can.

Whomever is telling you that you’re not made for your dreams and aspirations… is dead wrong.

And lastly: you were made to shine. Get a match and let’s go 🔥💥☄️

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.