
Today is my rest day. Today is my day to allow myself the much-needed physical break of pushing my body to its limits the previous week. Today is necessary and needed.

Today my mind is tired, too. As much as we try our best, we can easily get caught on the racetrack of uninvited thoughts, fearful imaginings… temporarily stuck on the rewind button of would’ve and should’ve… or the fast forward button of the what-if’s.

We forget to stay in the right now… in the very present moment.

My job as a nurse can be mentally taxing. Covid is tiring. It’s exhausting. I try my best to trust in what I know, to help those even who are bitter, and to stay grounded in my roots and beliefs that led me to this field.

My Job as Mom makes me question my own choices at times. I ask myself, am I teaching my children how to survive in a crazy world? Am I teaching unconditional love? The worry never ceases, yet with faith as the foundation… I know they will be just fine.

In pausing… I ask myself, did I make the best food choices I could last week? Did I run my heart out with pure love and joy of what my sneakers allow me to accomplish? Did I practice diligence and perseverance?

I can get in my own way. My head space can be annoying, relentless, and a pain in the ass. But my mind teaches me. My thoughts can be changed. I can look at life any way I choose. I have control of what I put in my mouth. I stay sober, I eat right, and I try my best.

Give yourself permission to feel… to question… to make adjustments.

Allow time to sit alone with your soul. Ask it what it needs, and then allow the universe to help you get there. Reflect unto others your gifts.

Reflect often and softly, reflect clearly and wildly… be gentle with your decisions, and forgiving in your results.

Amen 🖤.

Wherever You Go, There You Are.

There is an old adage that says “Wherever you go, there you are.”

We cannot escape the truths within us. We cannot run from our disjointed problems or fears. We can only try to mute the demons that show up to destroy and derail every good amount of progress we make.

It took me years to realize, life isn’t perfect. The ebb and flow of our emotions can take a toll on us. Treat yourself and others with loving kindness as you move toward your transformation.

I love running, I love to push my body to limits that I know are crazy. I fight hard to balance my nutrition, and work tirelessly continue to walk the tightrope of this crazy ass society… BUT most importantly, I’ve learned to take a breath.

Stop and stare at wildflowers, look out onto the lake and appreciate its gentle stillness. Life is passing us by and will wait for no one.

Be diligent in your work. Be accountable to yourself as you embark on crushing your goals, but always remember “wherever you go, there you are.”

So learn to be willing to accept where you are, change what you can, and love who you are unfolding to become🖤.

#manifestmonday #runnersstories #unfoldinyourjourney

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.


When self-doubt creeps in and negativity creates a hazy film over our progress… changing our perspective can make a world of difference.

See yourself through different eyes… love who you are. Be proud of the accomplishments and progress you’ve made.

Accept the things that cannot be undone, and continue to march forward, placing the building blocks of your dreams and goals into action.

Self doubt will come. People will try to cloud your vision, and trials of life will attempt to strip you of the faith that is necessary for contentment and peace.

Seek today to be happy on purpose. Know that waking up and trying to be better, moving your body, and mentally seeing your destination is critical to a healthy mindset.

You are allowed to be unsure, you are allowed to self question… that’s where growth comes from. Shift your perspective… simplify the plan, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be your journey today

Let’s make today beautiful…

Join our safe space where we will share, inspire, love, and grow!

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group with Suzanne Swanson is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.

No Excuses.

Fulfillment Friday…

My old life was a mess. My terrible habits. My lack of respect for myself and others brought me to a place of unhappiness.

I tried numerous times to get my shit together with little result. I was lonely, fear-struck, overweight, sick, stuck, tired, and deflated.

4:30 am used to be the time I would just be crawling into bed along with my regrets and whisky stained tear drops… praying to stop my insanity.

Today at 4:30 am I was sipping my rocket fuel… getting ready to slay double digits down the boulevard.

You want to be transformed? Good… let’s go. 🖤

You want to be fulfilled… take my hand and I’ll show you the way. Amen.

“Wake Up, Beauties ~ It’s Time to Beast”

#hopedealer #runningmotivation #fullfillment #dontmakeexcuses

The Road to Self-Worth

The responses I have received from my Run to Change Lives interview have truly been overwhelming and sincerely heartfelt. I have received many messages today on the subject of self-worth and how did I use my love of running to help me achieve it?

We are conditioned to feel less than. We have been taught to try harder, to “erase and try again,” to hesitate when we are given an opportunity to better ourselves, and that we are selfish when we put ourselves first.

The open road, and my running sneakers have given me back what other people, and certain concepts have tried to repetitively take from me… my self worth.

To make progress, allow yourself the wonderful endowment of self-acceptance. You have been given a gift. You were made for a purpose.

You are allowed to sit in both places of uncertainty, and places of great unrest .

You are allowed to sit in unsteady moments, and stand taller when you have rebuilt the foundation that once tried to crumble you.

The open road will listen, will push you, will be gentle some days and fierce the next– but it will guide you to regain your own love, life and trust back.

Whether it’s the park, the track, the mountains, the pavement, the bicycle, the pool, the yoga mat… take all your lack of’s and should be’s there.

Discard them one by one… and when they come back… let them visit but NEVER invite them to stay again as they no longer serve a purpose. Amen.


Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

This Girl Can…

  1. Wake up happy on purpose.
  2. Move your ass – run, swim, walk, bike etc.
  3. Set an intention for today- & actually do it!
  4. Pick one thing to be grateful for.
  5. Smile.
  6. Repeat step 5.
  7. Be wonderfully you 🖤.

Day 1… or one day? You decide.



The doorways we choose each day in our life path are crucial to who we become. I have walked both intentionally and unintentionally through doorways that have led me through destruction, fear, and choices that carved the walls of my strength.

Doorways can be deceiving. What you think is on the other side can be filled with false hope. Empty promise. The same room… the same toxicities… the same repeated cycles.

The doorways of my previous addicted world always seemed to open even wider when I was at the brink of disaster. That woman on the left was trapped in those rooms for a very long time.

The woman on the right carefully examines her doorways these days. Before she enters, she asks herself: if I step in, will this doorway entry serve my greater purpose? Will it fulfill me? Will it allow me further growth and less bullshit?

Take the time to think about your goals. Think about who you wish to become. Do Not Enter the doorways that are jaded, altered, or that will not serve you.

Guard the doorways to your success… and do not let any person, place, or thing enter without your permission.

You control your doorways now… what a beautiful concept this is….🖤. Go be wonderful today.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Road Less Traveled

The becoming of your truest self begins when your feet hit the path of which seldom like to go.

Physical change is wonderful. I could tell you I lost 90 pounds, I can show you the pictures to support that… but what is more important than the physical is the mental endurance and toughness it takes to transform your spirit.

The road less traveled is a place that’s usually not crowded. We have all a pathway to it. Some of us are just stepping ever so softly on it, some of us are pounding heavy in the middle of it, and some of us are at the groundbreaking edge of being led off the road and ready to unveil what they have learned.

When I am at my best. I am connected to the Earth. I stop for the flowers, I listen for the birds, I see clearly how the toxic bullshit of the past doesn’t stand a chance against God’s beautiful treasures and connectedness, inner peace, or self-love.

Do yourself a favor and turn down The Road Less Traveled. Take the first step. Take the unexpected route, do quietly the things that stir up change, but do boldly the things that help others to see.

You are worthy of everything good… now get on that road.

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign up to hear from Suzanne via email here.

Gratitude Changes Everything.

Gratitude changes everything.

He whispered, “She’ll never overcome addiction.”

She whispered: “She’ll always be overweight and unhealthy.”

I whispered…

“Hello… remember me? My miles have become my guide, and gratitude has changed me forever.”

Seek what you dream about, and be a living story. ❤️

#tellyourtale #leavealegacy

Follow along as Suzanne Swanson takes us through her transformation from addiction to athlete. Find support and healing in your own life! We’re sending Suzanne’s blog updates via email along with a daily dose of motivation. Don’t miss the next post… delivered straight to your inbox.

Transformation Requires Transparency.

Transformation requires transparency. Transparency requires gutting yourself open to reveal what must stay and what must go.

The baggage we allow ourselves to carry is not only heavy… but very much unnecessary. It took me years of time wasting, self sabotage and unveiling to realize that.

I am not for everyone… and I’m okay with that. I am fine with saying “NO” as an acceptable, one-word answer. I am no longer bothered by the stigmas of who this world wants me to be.

Most days I’m a hot mess, I’m disorganized at times, and I am often still too hard on myself. But I know what running has taught me about my desire for life.

I know what my sneakers have witnessed in my ability, and what I am capable of.

I know my destiny is made for great things, and I know my soul longs to help others achieve their personal best.

Ground your heart today. Feel the earth. Let your soul speak to you. Be transparent, be good to yourself, and know that when people tell you… it’s not possible… “bullshit” is one amazing answer. ☀️

hat you are loved.

Run With Our Pack!

Run Before You Fly Private Facebook Group with Suzanne Swanson is open to all who wish to continue to share their experiences, love of running, and battles of life, with each other. Together we are better.